Chapter 2

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Shadow and Rouge decided to go back to their work place while Tails tried to examine Sonic. He scanned Sonic and used his own technology to look for the problem in Sonic's body. Sonic just sit on his bed while Tails was downstairs at the living room, working on his computer and probably walking in and out of the house to his lab.

"Huh...i wonder what does Shadow meant with things i tried to do with him? Am i really that scary? Did i turned into some kind of monster?"

Sonic asked to himself. He stand up and stare at himself at the mirror. He was really curious because Shadow, Rouge, even Tails won't tell him what he changed to and the things he just did. Was it really that bad? It even made Shadow scared.

"Ha- achoo!"


Tails went back to the house after testing some samples from Sonic at his lab. He used the computer and do some works with it.

"That's right...pollen could cause people to sneeze! It must've stayed inside Sonic's lungs and made him sneeze a lot!"

Tails said to himself and continued to do more research. While he was busy, he heard footsteps walking downstairs and he thought it was Sonic. He turned around to talk to him but he stopped to see that Sonic changed again.

"S-Sonic- hi! How are you?"

"I'm feeling sick" she said and hold her head, looking very irritated.

"Shouldn't you stay in bed to rest yourself?" Tails suggested.

"Are you kidding me? I'm not gonna stay up there doing nothing. It's boring" she complained.

"Okay...maybe you can watch tv or something? Just don't get out of the house, please" Tails begged.

"I don't take orders from a little brat like you but since you said please that satisfied me quite a bit"

She shrugged and walk away to sit on the couch. Tails sighed at how this Sonic is acting like a bad girl or maybe even a bitch towards everyone. He decided to continue working on the computer and do more research.

"Let's the change of Sonic represents something...but what is it?"


Tails quickly turn around and saw Sonic is back to normal. Sonic blinked and look around to notice he was at the living room.

"Since when did i came down here?"

"I'm glad to see you back! Come here, i need to show you something" Tails called him to take a look at his computer.

Sonic stand beside him and rest his hands on the desk, looking at the screen.

"So what is it?" He asked.

"You see, the pollen you inhaled is now gathering inside your lungs and it causes you to sneeze a lot. And when everytime you sneeze, you change to a completely different Sonic!"

" what did i changed to exactly?"

"If i tell you, you promise not to freak out?"

Sonic gulped and smiled nervously at his bestfriend.

"I'll try..."

" changed to a female version of yourself but with bad attitude and you curse on me a lot"

Sonic's eyes widen in shock. Maybe changing to a monster or something would make a little sense since it's a weird magic flower who was guarded by dangerous vines. But a girl? That was totally unexpected for Sonic.

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