10. Positions and Celebrations

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June 12th, 2007

Rory wakes up around 5:00 am to pee, and Logan wakes up feeling her get out of bed.

"Ace, where are you going?" Logan asks

"I need to pee, sorry I didn't mean to wake you up," Rory says

"It's ok, you didn't wake me," Logan says

When Rory comes back to bed, Logan rolls over and puts his arm over Rory and puts his hand on her stomach and she nuzzles her back into him to get closer.


Logans alarm goes off

"Ugh, why" Rory groans

"Morning sunshine, I have to go to work today," Logan says smirking

"Noooo, you were a comfy pillow" Rory whines

"I'm sorry, but I have to be a work dork, but If you pick me up from work then we can go to dinner and talk about your interview," Logan says

"Ok, I guess that will work, then can we come back here and curl up and you be my pillow again?" Rory asks

"Anything you and bean want?" Logan says

"Yay, now hurry up and get to work so you can be off in time," Rory says

"Ok go back to sleep if you can you need plenty of rest If you need anything just phone or text me," Logan says

Logan heads off to work after telling Rory there was coffee made and some fruit and stuff for breakfast in the fridge. So she went to get coffee and some food and lays in bed watching TV till about noon when she was hungry again and knew she should start getting ready for her interview. She wanted to leave by 2:45 just in case there was traffic.


"Hi welcome to the chronical, how can I assist you?" The receptionist asks

"Hi I'm Rory Gilmore and I'm Here to meet with Jeffery Collins at 4:00" Rory says

"I will let him know you're here, Please sit down," The receptionist says while picking up the phone

A few minute's later

"Ms. Gilmore, It's great to meet you," Jeffrey says

"Mr. Collins, the pleasure is all mine," Rory says giving him a firm handshake

"Follow me this way to my office," Jeffery says

They go to his office, and he motions for Rory to sit down.

"Ms. Gilmore, Your work was brought to my attention by the owner of the newspaper, It seems he is impressed with your work, and I must say I am also," Jeffery says

"Please call me Rory, Thank you, and I enjoy writing. It's become a passion of mine" Rory says

"It shows trough your work, Now this isn't normally how things are done but I would like to offer you a position, We are looking for an opinion's columnist. This Interview is just a formality, but we would like to offer you the position. It provides a lot of flexibility, and you would be able to work from just about anywhere as long as you make deadlines, you wouldn't need to be in the office more than once a week and for meeting's and you can write about just about anything you have an opinion on. Now the big question would you be interested in something like that?" Jeffery asks

"Honestly I'm in shock, I wasn't expecting an offer so quickly, this is for sure an incredible opportunity. I love the fact I would have so much freedom and flexibility. I would love to accept the position. When would I need to start?" Rory says

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