Cry For Help

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Okay, so let's get this straight. This is not a story. This is a helpline. For those people who are depressed, lonely or abused, anyone who needs cheering up and a self-confidence boost you have come to the right place.

Now, just to warn you there is some swearing in this book, however I will try to keep it down to a minimum. This first chapter is to explain how this helpline works. Basically this first page will be a problems page where people can comment about their problems and we the good people of Wattpad will try and solve them.

After this page I will post different chapters that will focus on different topics (bullying, self-harm, abuse that kind of thing) and I will give my opinion on them and you guys can give them to.

If you guys ever need to talk message me or if you just need to have a massive rant about it I'm always here to listen. I can't promise that I'll update regularly but I will try to update as soon as I can.

Please believe me when I sat that I am only here to help. I don't care if you are bisexual, black (green for all the hell I care!?) your age, gender, race, what your past is, your religion; I only care about the present you and helping you out of your (pretty sucky) situation.

Also one last thing. Please, spread the word about this book! I want to help as many people as humanely possible. I want to make this world a better place and not full of arrogant gits that don't understand what we've been through and don't care about other people other that themselves (selfish bastards... }: | )

Thanks Dragons.


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