9. San Francisco and Palo Alto

Mulai dari awal

"I'm sure you can, and I dont know about that" Rory says

"I was only thinking about Reading together or even watching a good movie," Logan says

"I'm sure you were," Rory says

"Hey, I'm not that kind of man. You have to wine and dine me first" Logan says

"Oh really, Last I checked you never required anything to be that kind of man," Rory says

"Ok, you caught me, but thats only with you," Logan says smirking

"Shall we head home for the evening?" Rory says, and Logan catches that she called his house home

"Yes we should, It's already getting late for this work dork," Logan says

"It's getting late for me too so dont feel bad" Rory says

Rory and Logan got to the car, and Logan gave her the keys

"What are these for?" Rory asks

"Your driving, I will turn on the GPS, and you will be able to get to Palo Alto, I will have a little nap in the passenger seat," Logan says

"Seriously I have to trust a GPS," Rory says

"Yes, you should get used to this trip, learn it," Logan says laughing

"Why we dont even know if I got the job yet," Rory says

"Ace, If you don't get the job your still going to be making this drive with a baby one it's born, I want you to get to know the route now instead of getting lost with our baby," Logan says

"Ok I get it, I will wake you if I get lost," Rory says

Logan didnt know, but Rory had already checked the vague route from the airport to Palo Alto and damned near memorized it, but she felt she should be aware the route for the next day for her job interview and any future trips she may take there. Once Rory got to Logan's street she woke him up not knowing for sure what house was his.

"Logan get up, I dont know what house is yours," Rory says

"We are here already, Wow. Oh it's the house with the fence around it, click the button on the sun visor to open the gate and garage" Logan says

"Holy crap Logan you have a big front yard," Rory says

"Oh, I didnt think so, the back yard is bigger," Logan says

"The yard would be perfect to have a few kids running around in," Rory says

"It's perfect to let the boys run around in," Logan says snickering

"Yes the kids, and you of course," Rory says smirking

"It's good for all sorts of thing's even parties, The people on either side of me are always gone, the place on the left I was told this is their winter home, and the one on the right is just used for small parties or out of town guests," Logan says

"So when no one is around you can have fun your saying," Rory asks

"Yes, it's quite nice. The boys have already tried to plan a party for the 4th of July here" Rory says

Logan's House

"You will have to tell me more about that tomorrow, But for now are you up for a bit of TV before we got to bed?" Rory asks

"Yes Ace, Do you want the living room TV or the bedroom TV?" Logan asks

"whatever is more comfy for you," Rory says

"Well, we can relax better in the bedroom but are you ok with that?" Logan asks

"Ya, It's not like your just trying to get me in there for sex," Rory says

"Ok, I just didnt want you thinking I was trying for something, I'm not saying it wouldnt be nice, but I'm not expecting anything," Logan says

"Where do you want me to put my bag's?" Rory asks

"Oh I will show you to the other room," Logan says grabbing her bags and taking them down the hall

"Logan, this room is beautiful," Rory says

"It's got the second best view from the bedrooms, and My room has the best of course," Logan says

"It's still beautiful," Rory says

"I will let you get into your PJ's meet me in the kitchen for snacks, and then we can head to the room for TV time," Logan says

Once Rory was changed she headed out to the kitchen to find Logan in nothing but his boxers assembling snacks.

"You look like your all set for comfy TV time," Rory says

"Yes, I dont exactly own PJ bottoms, so boxers will have to do," Logan says

"I suppose they will have to do," Rory says smirking

"Do you think we need anything else for snacks?' Logan asks

"No it looks like you got about everything I'm craving about now, I dont know how you knew what I'm craving but thats awesome," Rory says

"I crave some of the same things a lot, and I know your typical favorites, plus you have a tell on if your craving more sweet's, veggies or fruit," Logan says

"Hey all the better that you know this and can read it, It's going to make the next 7 months so much easier on you," Rory says smirking

"Best thing I can do is keep you happy and fed, or you may end up hating me as the bean grows," Logan says

"I couldnt hate you for that. I dont think," Rory says

"I'm sure you will be cursing me in the delivery room," Logan says

"I'm sure of that myself," Rory says

"Now let's get comfy and find something to watch," Logan says

For the next hour, Logan and Rory watched I dream of genie re-runs and mocked the show. Logan looks at Rory who yawns.

"I should probably get to bed before I pass out in here," Rory says

"You know, it would be ok if you wanted to sleep in here I dont mind," Logan says

"Are you sure? because honestly, I dont want to get out of this bed its so comfortable" Rory says

"I'm sure, I would like it a lot if you stayed in here with me," Logan says

"Good, I'm sleeping in here now turn the TV and get comfy" Rory commands laughing

"Yes ma'am," Logan says saluting Rory with a smirk

"Hey, don't call me ma'am, I'm way too young and beautiful to be a ma'am," Rory says laughing

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