Curiosity Kills

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(NOTICE: This was actually done by a friend of mine who wrote this. I gave them a picture of a mother cat and her 3 kittens and this is what he came up with! Credit goes to him!)

Mommy Cat had three kittens. There were two girl kittens and one boy kitten. The girls' names were Luna and Alexia, while the boy's name was Tiger. Mommy Cat loved her three kittens and didn't want them to ever leave the barn they lived in. Inside the barn, everything was safe and secure, while the outside was dangerous and scary. Even though she didn't want her kittens to leave the barn, Mommy Cat knew that one day, her kittens would have to leave the comfort of the barn.

While her kittens were young, they hardly ever thought about leaving the barn, except for Tiger. He was so curious of what was outside and was always trying to sneak off. But every time, Mommy Cat would catch him and warn him of the dangers outside. But these warnings only made Tiger even more curious, and he longed for the day when he could leave the barn.

Life in the barn was fun though, there were always plenty of mice to eat and Mommy Cat was always showing her kittens new techniques for catching mice. Some of the other animals in the barn were very friendly, and would talk to the kittens. But there was one animal that the kittens were forbidden to talk to. He was a black cat with a scar down his eye, and he mostly kept to himself. Whenever Tiger asked Mommy Cat why they weren't allowed to talk to the black cat, she would always scold him. There were so many things Tiger wanted to know, and he couldn't stop thinking about it.

One day, while Mommy Cat was out looking for some catnip for her kittens, Tiger was sitting up high in the rafters because he was annoyed with his sisters. His sisters were always picking on him for wanting to leave home, and he was tired of it. As he was sitting amongst the straw, he heard someone approaching. He turned around to see the black cat. At first, Tiger was afraid, but then his curiosity got the better of him.


The black cat spoke first. "So you want to know what's outside, do you?" He asked.

"Y-yes." Replied Tiger, a little nervous.

The black cat sat down and started to groom himself. "It's a very dangerous place out there." He said.

"Yeah, my mom's always saying that we can't leave the barn." Replied Tiger.

"One day, she will let you, she always has.", said the black cat.

"What do you mean by 'she always has.'?"inquired Tiger.

The black cat stopped grooming himself and began to tell a story. "Many moons ago, long before you were born, your mother came into this barn. Outside was a terrible place, and she had finally found shelter here. She met a cat named Shereavis. He was a strong, black cat, like me. Shereavis welcomed your mother into the barn, and the two soon had their first litter of kittens. She nurtured them and loved them, but she always kept them inside. Her memories of the outside had traumatized her so much, that she didn't want her kittens to ever leave. But eventually Shereavis convinced her that she must let their kittens go if they wanted, and she did. When they were of age, your mother let the kittens out, but they never came back. Eventually, she talked Shereavis into going outside, but he never came back either. That was several months ago, and you are in the fifth litter of Shereavis and your mother."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2017 ⏰

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