Chapter 25 -Zayum-

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I gently, closed the door of my brand spankin new Jeep. Todays the day. I'm currently outside of the building that this Magcon thing was supposed to take place. I have no idea what I'm supposed to do in there. I hadn't really looked into it much mostly because Cameron's face made quite a few appearances everytime I tried. I ended up closing my laptop everytime I saw him.

I put my sunglasses on and lowered my snapback. I wasn't planning on getting noticed. Besides I'll just stay in the back of the crowd, therefore I'll  still be able to have fun, but also have a decent distance between Cameron.

I walked towards the line of girls waiting outside. I guess this is where I wait until they open the doors? 

I ended up standing there moving ever so slowly towards the door. I took my sunglasses off along with mg SnapBack. We were in the shade and my shades were making it hard to see. Girls were chattering about 'How sexy Cameron is' I couldn't help, but role my eyes and feel annoyed. If it wasn't such a crazy idea I would say I'm a little, little, little, bit jealous. Though that's insane to think! So no. I'm not jealous.

"Ahem." A girl next to me poked my arm. Okay?? I turned towards her and put on a fake smile. It's the one who claims to be the future Mrs. Cameron Dallas.

"Are you the girl who my man is dating. Huh?" She asked in a fake voice. I bit my lip to keep from laughing. Is she for real? Her man? Please.

'Stop acting like that. Its not like you two are still together. You're not jealous. So stop.'

But I lost him. I should hate him. I have every right to hate him. But there's something holding me back now. If you asked me a couple of weeks ago how I felt about Cameron, I could've gone on a rant about how much he hurt me and how I hate him

so much. But now. I don't think that's entirety true.

I shook my head trying to get rid of the thought. I took in the scene infront of me. The girl had a hand on her hip now as she shifted on her feet from time to time. He hair was blonde and it went down to her waist in curls. Her light blue eyes were staring at me, as she had an eyebrow raised. All in all, she was annoyed. And i didn't want to deal with any of it.

"Um.. No sorry. " I said. She scoffed before narrowing her eyes at me.

"So Cameron's into liars." She noted. I glared at her for a moment before shaking my head. "Hey I know you're his girlfriend. It's kind of obvious to any Magcon fan."

I gave her a blank look. What does she mean?

"Huh?" She let out a harsh laugh.

"Wow. You really are a horrible person. First breaking Cameron's heart. Now coming here to act clueless. You're pathetic." I was about to go off on her. I never broke his heart. It was the other way around. I put my shades and SnapBack.

A security guard opened the door leading the mob of crazy fan girls to a whole other line. I saw flashes out of the cornor of my eye but I didn't take any notice to it. I was stuck in my own little world. What that girl said was stuck to my brain. Did I miss something?

Do you know that feeling when you can feel someone staring at you? Because that's what I'm feeling now. All the girls that were in the line in front of me were now gone. Instead there was a guy infront of me. He doesn't know me. But I surely know him. Okay that sounded kind of creepy.

The guy was Matthew Espinosa. In other words one of the many guys part of Magcon. He had a smile on his face as he waved me over. I was confused. Why were there girls with them? Huh?

I furrowed my eyebrows and stayed in place. Matthew let out a laugh and he walked towards me.

"You okay?" He asked. He came to my side and wrapped an arm around my shoulder. I was still extremely confused. Is this what they do here? Meet fans and mingle? That's cool I guess. Just gotta keep my distance.

"Just peachy" I grinned. Matt started walking back to where he was before. I walked along with him.

"So what's your name?" He asked. Wait a second. If what that girl said was true would he flip out if I- Oh who cares. Rebel! By just saying my own name... Hmmm.

"Gracie." I looked at him.

"I'm Matt." He didn't seem to know who I am. Then again It's not like what she said was true or he would've interrogate me or something. Or I would have been a nobody because Cameron didn't care about me. Yep I'm going with that one. Because that's how it feels.

"I know." I laughed. He smiled at me. His smile made me melt.

"Do you want a picture? Or an autogr-" He started, but soon got interrupted.

"Zayummm bæ. Matt who's your fan there?" A familiar voice asked behind me.

Soo ._. Yes cliff hanger.. Cuz I know how much y'all love em! Okay maybe not. And this is a bit short.But I'm busyyyyy nowadays. I'll try updating again by the end of the week.
{I dunno what else to put so ermm}

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