Chapter 8: Just like the movies

Start from the beginning

And just like in the movie, his and her finger — pointing to the imagined sky — touched. The soft touch of their fingers slowly progressed into him wrapping her hand fully in his.

And just like in the movie, Maymay and Edward were now holding hands in the air, visible to everyone. And just as they say in the movies, both felt an electrified tingling sensation and wondered if that too was visible to all.

And just like in the movie, time stood still where nothing mattered except holding each other's hand, looking into each other's eyes and capturing each other's smile.

But just like in the movies, the part moviegoers don't get to see, there exists a word that leaves a bittersweet taste in the tongue.

"Cut". Nick shouted.

And the spell was broken.

Maymay has never been more thankful of Nick's interruption. A minute more of being held captive into those eyes, she was sure to drown. She immediately pulled her hand away from Edward's.

The audience took a couple seconds of silence before they broke into a round of loud applause.

Self-consciously, Maymay went to grab Nick to stand in front.

"Alright everybody — especially you three." Maymay focused on the three Liza look-alike aspirants. "Let's continue with the audition process. Here's Nicholas to facilitate." She then went back to her seat in front.

She has been avoiding to look at Edward since the 'Cut!'. Now that she's seated, she remembered the scene they did earlier and she felt blood rush to her face.

She chanced a glance at Edward.

He was looking straight at her, his expression unreadable.

She looked away. Damn her heart. Bushhaaak!


"I vote for Maymay!" Nick blurted. The audition was almost done. All that's left to do now is decide who among the three will be the partner for Edward.

So the officers gathered in the office while the three girls were outside with Edward.

Maymay thought the three girls did well in the 'love chemistry with Edward' acting test by Nick. Not for Nick though.

"Girl! That scene you did with Edward was WOAHmazing! All three paled in comparison!" Nick insisted.

Maymay prayed for patience to stop herself from stuffing Nick's mouth with her fist.

"I vote for President too!" Jin spoke up all of a sudden. And Maymay had the sudden urge to pull her hair out.

"See? Am I right or am I right?" Nick bounced excitedly in his seat while all other officers nodded in agreement. "So glad we finally agree on something Jin!" Nick then blew a kiss in Jin's direction.

If Maymay wasn't wallowing in her own predicament, she would have wondered why Jin suddenly hiccuped uncontrollably and blushed like a red tomato.

But Maymay was too busy thinking of a way to shut these idiots up who keep insisting she be the one to join the pageant instead.

"I am not one of those who auditioned, okay? Besides, I can't since I am part of the—" Maymay stopped.

"Ow! Ow! Exactly! You are not part of anything. You just go around and help with no particular group for the preparation." Nick pointed out smugly.

"Besides, Miss President — if I may be so bold — you have gone through all the plans and, really, there's nothing much for you to do. All groups are set for whatever task they are assigned to. You're actually free on that day to do anything, I mean, anything — join the pageant even." Jin narrated matter-of-factly to everyone's agreement.

"Will all of you stop?" Maymay raised her voice in frustration. "I can't be Liza—"

"Why not?" A familiar voice joined the group. Maymay stiffened in her seat. She looked around and there he was, standing with his hands in his pockets, a questioning look being directed at her.

"Why not, My May?" Edward repeated his question.

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