Who is in Control?

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Unfortunately, Raoul had this dreadful disease called "being human." A side affect to this incurable illness, was the ability to be easily persuaded by what is called, "peer pressure," especially if the one pressuring him was an incredibly attractive girl by the name of Alicia.

"Well, I was actually, um, considering joining..."

"Really?! Woah, you're so courageous."

"Yeah, thanks... I should probably get going anyways..."

"Oh yeah, busy guy, aren't you? You go and get back the Holy Land for me, I believe in you!" Alicia smiled at Raoul before turning to head off.

With Alicia out of sight, Raoul groaned, just now fully realizing what he had signed himself up for. He didn't necessarily have to go, but that would put his ever so delicate ego at stake. Now that he seriously thought of it, there were hardly any ties keeping him here, other than never having a legitimate reason to leave before now. Henry could handle the family just fine without him, his existence would be far more helpful in going to Jerusalem than staying home. Plus, how could he pass up the adventure, far better than continuing this dull lifestyle he and all his ancestors had.

There was one small problem; actually leaving. His mother wouldn't care too much. His siblings would get over it eventually. The sun will still rise, with or without him. How did every other man who had decided to join live with the knowledge that they were leaving their entire life behind? It made them seem pretty heartless, although the same could be said for Raoul, who had no problem hacking off the head of an animal he had raised from birth, but this is an entirely different matter.

Raoul shook his head as he walked through his house's door. His decision had been made, despite the complications. Whatever consequences he or his family faced, could be handled. It wasn't his problem to stress about, even if he was the instagator.


Surprisingly, his family took his decision quite well, even if they didn't think it was the best idea. It was now the next morning: time to leave with the Crusaders. Peter was shouting out commands for the new recruits to follow. "Today we will travel to where the rest of the group is camped and training. Once we get there will be continue our journey to Jerusalem, and take back what is ours!"

This earned great shouting from the townsfolk, all huddled around Peter in the still dark morning. Peter took the reins of a donkey from one of his men and effortlessly threw his leg over the saddle, nudging the animal on. Raoul adjusted the sack he had thrown over his shoulder as the group began to make their way out of the familiar town.

Raoul fell into the back of the line of people, along with a few other boys his age. He had known Edgar and Ralph since birth, but had never really bothered to strike up a lasting friendship with the two, who were practically joined at the hip.

Throughout the day, even while walking with them, Raoul felt left out. They effortlessly kept a conversation going, poking fun at each other and exchanging jokes and humorous stories. Raoul wasn't what was considered "extaordinarily social." Even as a kid, he valued quiet time and the company of animals to that of humans who were known for having mood swings and not being clear about their true intentions with him.

Raoul tried to push his self-pitying thoughts to the back of his minds but they kept coming back as Edgar and Ralph seemed to be rubbing their friendship in his face.

Luckily, just when Raoul thought he'd implode from his own mind overthinking, the camp came into view. Thousands of men, all either sitting by fires, training, or entertaining themselves with various games. Peter turned to look over the new men from the front of the line, giving more instructions on what to do next, but Raoul wasn't really listening. He and a few other moved past those lingering and made their way into the camp. Despite being one of the most introverted people on the planet, Raoul felt a strong desire to actually meet someone and have a person to talk to over the course of the next few months. He didn't know where this desire stemmed from, really. Whether it was from his jealousy of Edgar and Ralph, the adrenaline of having some form of purpose in life, or some other mystical force, he wanted to meet someone new.

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