Who is in Control?

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We all know the story of how the People's Crusade drastically failed; they never even made it to Jerusalem. The majority of those involved died to a Turkish attack while traveling through Nicea. But what if they had survived? What if only a small number had been massacred?


Raoul Furor never expected this cold cloudy day to be anything less than normal: feed the livestock, tend to the crops, buy and sell goods for the family, help the townsfolk if needed. Of all the things on Raoul's to-do list for the day, joining a "Crusade" was definitely not at the top.

The day started as any other would, with Raoul shoveling grain into the cattle's trough and collecting the eggs, when he heard a commotion arise from the town center from over the hill. Curious, Raoul finished his chores in haste and made a quick trip down the familiar dirt road to the town forum.

He immediately saw a scrawny looking man stood on the back of a wagon, shouting over the clamor of the people, "-we are willing to accept anyone! Believe me, for I have had a vision of the Lord himself, we will retake the Holy Land and make ourselves great heros! Legends! You too can become a legend, if you embark on this Crusade!"

The man continued to shout, his speech clearly exciting the crowd. Raoul walked over to Geoffrey, an older farmer who looked skeptical of the newest happenings. "What's all the commotion about, is there another war?"

"No, not another war... yet anyways." The farmer scoffed, "Remember the expedition that was planned to set out around September? This idiot ,Peter, wants to leave now."

"You think anyone will join?" Raoul asked, running his hand through his curly blond hair.

"Oh, sure. Look at the way they're practically buzzing with energy, I'll bet that they haven't had anything to get excited for before, he's brainwashing them into thinking this will give them purpose, like they've accomplished something."

"You think it's all for not?"

"Never said that, I just don't' think he's giving us the full truth."

Raoul nodded, the man on the wagon did in fact have a way with motivating people to join, he was even considering it himself, but he needed to stay home and care for his family. His father had died of a severe fever only months ago and his mother wasn't the same. He had to care for the animals now, while she spent hours staring off into space with a blank expression. She even neglected to care for her own children, who luckily were old enough to manage themselves. The second eldest, Henry, could even care for the farm if anything were to happen to Raoul.

Several townsfolk began to say goodbye to their loved ones, already enthusiastic to join the Crusade. Peter smiled gratefully at the crowd, "Thank you to all who have joined, we will be leaving at dawn tomorrow after we have resupplied and rested. All else who wish to join are welcomed with open arms."

Knowing he still had more chores, Raoul turned to head back to the farm, having seen what the big fuss was all about. As he shuffled through the people in the forum, Alicia ran into him, eyes wide and lit up with excitement. Raoul immediately beamed a smile down at her, having had a crush on her since he had first met her, some five years ago, when they were both only 13.

"Hey Raoul, you hear about the Crusade?" Alicia asked enthusiasm practically seeping from her every pore.

"It's a little hard not to." Raoul replied, blushing at her outgoing greeting.

"I wish I could go, but they wouldn't let a girl join. It's so amazing, you know. Those who are going, they're bringing honor home to their country, making a difference in the world." She threw her hands up to express how awestruck she was by the commoners' actions.

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