(2) Alive

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I could feel my heart speeding up. She had short, black hair that was swept to the side. Her face was deadpanned and her green eyes were darker than the forest behind the school.

She looked up at me, a piece of paper in her hand. It had sloppy notes on it, and a printed schedule. I blinked a few times before responding.

"Uh, yeah. How'd you know?" I asked, trying to keep my voice from shaking. She wore a deep blue flannel, and covered that with a black long coat. What is she, a female version of him?

"Some girl in a fuck ton of yellow told me to find you. My name is Jaide Durlan, but I use J.D for short." She said, her voice was baratone and deeper than most girls' voices. But dammit, 'J.D for short'!?

I realized I was staring at her. She snapped her fingers, then held her hand out to me.
"Nice to meet you I guess?"

I took her hand and shook it. When I released it, she turned to walk away. However, I grabbed her shoulder and turned her back around. I looked directly into her eyes.
"Who gave you the nickname J.D?"

She blinked a few times, her green irises wide. Then, she shook her head and pulled away from my grip. "A friend back in Pennsylvania. His nickname was J.D too." She said, her voice a low growl.

Then she turned away from me and walked off. I saw Joseph Michaels watching her go from the corner if my eye. Despite my heart racing and my mind clouding, I turned to him and shouted, "Don't even think about it Michaels!"

I slammed my locker and took my books. I needed to find her again find out more.

How can he be alive?

I literally watched him blow up.

I sighed as I shoved through all the people in the hall. Maybe I can talk to her during lunch. I damn hope so. And maybe, just maybe, I can found out more about her.

I met with Heather just outside of the chemistry lab. I asked her if she was the 'some girl in a fuck ton of yellow' who told Jaide to track me down. She nodded.

"I thought you'd make a good friend. Keep the jocks off of her, y'know?" She hummed, a small smile playing at her lips. I nodded slightly to her.

As the bell rang, I found myself whispering 'Dear God, please let the jerks stay off of her and she doesn't get onto a fight.'

I sat in my normal seat, and Heather McNamara sat next to me. I glanced to my left, at the empty lab table. Jaide sat down on the chair closest to our table. She sent me a quick glance, then picked up her schedule from the pile of papers and notebooks she had in her hands.

I just realized she doesn't have a backpack. She scanned over her schedule, and I could read some of the scribbles over her. One line read 'Don't forget your locker combo: 10-7-8-1'
'Return to homeroom after lunch'
'Lunch is $5'

But one very sloppy scribble caught my eye.
'Veronica Sawyer'

I could feel my eyes widen. Why was my name there? Did she write it after McNamara told her to find me? But why does the writing look so... Angry? And why is my name underlined so many times?

What does she have against me?

I decided to push the thought out of my mind. For now. Maybe it just means nothing, or maybe she just thought it was an important name to remember because of what Heather told her. I can ask at lunch, right?

Jusque là, Jaide.

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