My Mate's Choice 16

Start from the beginning

"Get in," A voice from behind me said, startling me. I turned around right away and looked at the very tall guy. He was tall. Too tall. But that wasn't the one that caught my eyes. What caught mine were his eyes. It was orangey-red. He didn't have any scent so I had no idea if he was a werewolf or something else.

Following as he said, I entered the room that I had peeked in earlier. It was like an office, with a desk and two moving chairs. "Sit," he told me and again, I obeyed. I eyed him as he took another seat opposite mine, but I wasn't terrified of him.

"Who are you? And, what do you want?" I asked. I guess I was asking him too politely because the next thing he did was laugh. "And, what's so funny?"

"Woah there," he said, "Your parents must have taught you so well." I raised my eyebrow at him and he continued, "Everyone who entered this room will go crazy, telling me to let them go while you only asked me two questions, or wait, three."

"And I'm being serious. So, answer me," I snapped and he held his hand up, showing me the surrender sign but he was still laughing.

"Chill there. We don't wanna ruin this cool relationship that we're having now, don't we?" He questioned, grinning.

"Wait. First of all, there's no relationship. Second thing, I don't know you and I believe you don't know me either. Thirdly, I wanna know why am I here," I finished it all in almost one breath and I was shooting daggers at him with my eyes.

He only decided to be serious when I didn't say any word after that, just continue to stare at him furiously. I was captured and I of course wanted to know why. I didn't want any lame joke from this piece of orange-eyed kidnapper.

"Fine," he finally spoke, "I just thought that I wanted an addition of member into my collection of werewolves."

I frowned, hoping that he would explain but he did not. "What does that mean?" I asked, but one thing I sure knew was that this guy in front of me wasn't a werewolf.

"I tell you what, why don't I get Carlos to give you a tour around here and you can also talk to some of my werewolf collection before you come back here and talk to me?" He offered.

"Now who on earth is Carlos?"

"Ah, where's that guy's manners. Carlos is the one who called you down to see me," he informed, "Oh and where are my manners? My name is Grabriel. What's yours?"

"Beatrix," I muttered. I didn't have the gut feelings that neither Gabriel nor Carlos was mine or my pack's enemies. That was why I was alright with actually having a conversation with Gabriel.

"Alright Beatrix. I'll get Carlos for you." Gabriel went to yell for Carlos' name and he was in the room within seconds. Carlos received the instruction to 'tour' me around which he obeyed unhappily.

Carlos showed me a few rooms like their 'bedrooms' and 'kitchens' when none of them looked like it were the place it supposed to be. Lastly, he entered me into this room and then locked me in there. "Hey, why are you locking me in here?" I asked, screaming at him.

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