Chapter 5: Abandoned

Start from the beginning

"You sure are full of surprises," Jaebum chimes in after years of silence.

I look to each person in my living room, them all giving me sympathetic looks. My eyes dart to the floor, my heart sinking even more.

"We didn't come here to just chitchat though," Jaebum continues on. I look back to him. The atmosphere around us has gotten thicker. "We also came to warn you that Jimin's mother is out of prison, and she's definitely coming after you. You need to hide before she finds you," He warns.

I blink repeatedly, not understanding what he's telling me. It's as if I can't actually believe his words.

"That's not all," Jackson says.

"What else?" My heart was beating so fast. I was afraid of what else he was going to tell.

"We found out that Minho is working alongside his mother. They're both after you because you took their happiness away. They want to destroy you." My stomach drops. I suddenly become nauseous, my face draining of all it's blood.

I rush to the kitchen, throwing up as I tremble. Not in fear or anger, but because I was betrayed and hurt. How can I be surrounded by people who betray me?

I feel someone rub my back as I empty the contents of my stomach into the sink. All of this has literally made me sick to my stomach. What's next? Hoseok and Namjoon coming after me as well? Wouldn't surprise me any at this point.

"It'll be okay Marissa, we are here for you. We will protect," Jungkook whispers quietly as he continues to rub my back.

Just as I was washing my mouth out, my phone rings. I take it out of my back pocket to look at the caller ID to see that it's Yoongi calling me. Reluctantly I answer the phone.


"Did you talk to your boy toy yet?" His gruff voice speaks through the receiver as I hear a slight giggle in the background.

"I did."

"What's the verdict?" I debate with myself whether I should tell him or not. If I tell him it wouldn't matter because he wouldn't even care.

"Well, he broke up with me after I mentioned it." I bite my quivering lip in hopes of trying to contain the tears that want to flow out of my eyes.

"Well I'm sorry to hear that. He doesn't deserve you then." Please don't say things like that. Please don't encourage me, because you're making it harder for me to move on.

"So, did you make your decision on what you're going to do or not?"

"I don't know if moving in with you would be such a good idea. We used to be married and everything, and now you have a boyfriend. Did you make sure it was okay with him first?"

"Already talked to him, he says he's okay with it if he gets to move in as well." I knew Yoongi was smiling at Jimin at this point. I can feel it over the phone. It breaks my heart even more because he used to look at me that way. He used to do all of these things with me.

"I guess I will. This is only for Hyeon. I'll be out at my job a lot, so you and Jimin will be with him most of the time."

"Perfectly fine with me. When are you coming over?"

I take a look at all of my friends just curiously staring up at me. I breathe a breath I didn't realize I was holding and mumble in a week I'll be able to move in. He ended the call with a great I will see you in a week.

I end the call, going to sit back down with my friends. They all give me sympathetic looks when I don't say anything and just blankly stare at the mantle in the living room.

"Who is Yoongi dating," Jin tries breaking the ice. I gulp loudly, afraid that if I mention it, it'll make things even worse than what it already is.

I close my eyes loosely, leaning more into the couch as I battle internally on whether I should tell them or not. "It's Jimin," I breathe out.

I can feel the tears wanting to escape.  I'm trying to hold them back. I'm trying to keep myself from crying over this once again.

"I knew it would've happened," Taehyung blurts out.

I snap my head in his direction to see that he went wide eyed and slammed his own had over his mouth. Everyone else was glaring at him for saying something like that, yet here I am mentally agreeing with him. Those 2 boys had enough history with one another to do something like this.

"I'm sorry for my husband's careless words," Jungkook grumbles from his clenched teeth. He was obviously not happy with Taehyung in this moment.

"There's no need to be. We all knew that it was either Jimin or myself, and this time around it happened to be Jimin," I shrug my shoulders, trying to play it off as if I didn't care, which we all know isn't true at all.

They all just gape at me, not being able to say anything else. I turn my head slightly to see my children standing there with tears in their eyes. Worried I rush over to them to see what's wrong.

"Is mommy going to be okay," Hyeon sobs out.

I look at him with confusion written all over my face. "We heard everything, and we know you're in danger now. Well, Hyeon doesn't understand the full extent of it, but he did understand bits and pieces. Will you be okay," Yuki explains to me.

I pull them both into a hug, reassuring them that everything will be fine. If worse comes to worse, I'll send them both to Yoongi's parents, keeping them out of harm's way.

I send them back to their bedroom, me going back to the couch to see everyone just looking to the floor.

"A young mother taking care of two kids while trying to literally keep herself alive. Sounds like a good action movie doesn't it," Jaebum jokes, only to receive a smack in the head from Jackson.

"Don't hit him Jackson, he's right. Who can sit here and say they have gone through what I have and am going to go through." I look to my lap, tears once again threatening to fall.

"It's okay, we'll protect you this time," Jin reassures me. He always knows what to say when to say it. Jin is always the light in the darkest tunnel, and that is why I'm so greatful for him.

"There's just one tiny detail we left out," Jaebum chuckles nervously. I look between everyone to see them all averting their gazes from me. "Well, when we said that Jimin's mom and Minho were the only ones after you, we weren't 100% honest, Namjoon and Hobi have been released from prison as well. Nobody knows the reasons as to why, but we know they too are after you."

Like I said before, this isn't as much of a shocker to me as it would be to others. My question is, how the hell were they let out of prison?

"How," I inaudibly whisper out. Jin happened to hear though as he looks to me with a small smile.

"It's rumored that they were somehow able to convince the judge that they weren't behind anything and they were forced into doing what they did, which deemed them not guilty. There are so many holes that even we aren't too sure about what actually happened. I'm just scared that they're going to come after you," Jin answers me.

I'm nervous. I have two children who need to be protected. I have a family now. I can't go through all of this again. My life can't be in danger all over again. When will all of this end? When will I be able to finally live in peace without having to worry who's going to burst through the door and harm my family? When will everyone just leave us alone? What did I ever do to deserve a life where it's just a cat and mouse chase over and over again?

The questions swirling in my head make me panic, which in turn makes my breathing ragged. I can feel consciousness slipping away from me slowly, my friends' voices all becoming incoherent. Finally, darkness consumes as I lay on the floor.

Chasing Lost Love (Sequel to Stay Away From Me)Where stories live. Discover now