Her gaze quickly zoomed onto his injured hands and she looked up at him, brows knitted. He saw nothing but worry in her brown eyes. “I’m guessing that whatever fight you had with the wall, you lost,” she said with a slight hint of humor but her eyes continued to show her concern. 

Jason shrugged, grabbed a towel from the towel rack—to hide his burning desire for wanting to drag her into the shower and having his way with her— beside the shower and wrapped it around his lean hip. “It’s no big deal.” He was trying his damnest not to ogle the way the sunshine yellow bra hugged her impressively full rack and contrasted against her silky skin but he was failing—miserably.

With his libido going haywire and all the stress the day had brought on, he was wound up so tight that if a fly flew his way, he’d probably punch it. Putting his good hand through his soaked hair, he stepped out of the shower, towel clutched in his bad one. “Next time, can you give me a warning?”

Her brows scrunched together in confusion, “warning for what?”

“Stop acting oblivious, you know exactly what I’m talking about,” he huffed.

Her arms went to her hips and her stance became defensive “do I?” 

Jason groaned on the inside. She honestly looked confused. She couldn’t possibly be that dense. Of course he knew that he was at times but he pegged her as a woman with quick wit. She sure had a quick mouth that goes lovely with it.

Training his eyes away from her ample breast he tried his best to not think about what he really wanted to do to her where they stood in his bathroom. Instead he was trying to convince himself that she was in a fragile place. She was vulnerable and he was supposed to be the guy who was considerable of her feelings but damn it, he was only a hot blooded human male on edge and he needed some type of release.

With a heavy sigh, he flexed his battered hand in order to regain composure in front of this ridiculously hot woman. “Never mind. Did you girls get what you needed from the store?” After they’d stop at the hospital earlier on, everyone decided on grabbing some food to fill their empty stomachs and a take care of their suddenly noticeable lack of hygiene. 

Sierra and Tabitha decided on their own accord to bum rush Machayla and dragged her off to whatever girly store that they went to. And since there wasn’t any way for her to get any of her belongings from Mason’s house other than going back there –and that definitely wasn’t going to happen—Jason and the guys waved them off. Apparently, Tabitha never went anywhere without “protection”. 

Whatever that meant, an hour later they’d drop her off at his doorsteps with a ridiculous amount of bags in her hands and he’d immediately felt incapable for not thinking on his toes and giving her some spending money.

“Yeah, I guess,” she answered him an irritable look in her eyes.

“Good,” he answered warily “lets get some clothes on.”

Her eyes lingered on his bare chest before they moved down to where his injured hand was clutched at the towel around his hip. “We need to take care of that hand.”

“Don’t worry about it. I’ll take care of it later.”

Machayla frowned and crossed her arm over her chest. Unfortunately for Jason, it only caused him to want to get out of the bathroom faster since pushing her breast up halfway up to her face only served to make his manhood throb to the hardest it’s ever been.

He went to walk out of the door again but was stopped when Machayla, latched a hand on his wrist. “But your fingers might be broken,” she stressed.

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