apology- rhydian

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I took shortcuts so I reached Madz house before she did and knocked on the door.

Mrs Andrew's said, "hi rhydian Maddy isn't home yet.".

I replied, "I know she has a soccer thing and she asked me to wait here were working on a group project. "

, "OK then go to Maddy's room and wait good luck I hope it goes well"..

I whispered to my self, "me too".
I said to her before walking up the stairs, "thank-you"

I sat there thinking how bad my week has been. It's been dull and depressing without her. I miss her. It's only been a few week since she had came here but I couldn't imagine my life without her now.

Thirty minutes later

The front door opened I heard growling and snarling. I knew she had smelt or had been told I was up here. I could hear the blood rushing in my ears. It sounded like a heart beat. My adrenaline's pumping she entered the room slamming the door closed.

Maddy growled, "what are you doing here?"

I put my jumper and bag on the floor and stood up with my hands in a peaceful manner.

I said , "I needed to apologise. It wasn't my idea to invite you over. It was my mums. If I had my way you never would have been there that night."

She snarled , "you need to leave my room. I want you to leave me alone. I don't want you anywhere near me."

I felt like I was being crushed from the inside out. I knew I deserved it but I can't stand being told especially by her telling me how I let her down. I picked up my bag and left.

My wolf is howling his sorrows. I knew he was attached to madz. But I never knew it was this strong. I walked home hoping tomorrow will be different

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