Batgirl(Flash x Reader)

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Iris let out a small groan of frustration as she slammed her phone down on the counter. You glanced over at her from where you were currently cleaning tables. "Something wrong, Iris?" you asked as you watched a range of emotions flash in Iris' eyes.

"It's Eddie," she mumbled before slowly walking over to the coffee machine that needed cleaning. She glanced back over at you, "he keeps avoiding me."

You kept quiet since you knew the exact reason for why Eddie was acting the way he was. You continued to remove the coffee stains that marred the table. Iris kept her gaze on you, waiting for you to reply.

Finally, she spoke again. "Maybe I should just break it off since it's not working out."

"No!" you quickly shot at her, causing her to raise an eyebrow. You let out a small cough before awkwardly smiling, "Eddie loves you, Iris. Trust me, he's just been hanging out with Barry."

Iris' face lit up when you mentioned Barry, "Say, how's Barry been?"

You gave her a smile as you walked over to her with the cleaning supplies. All the tables were now spotless. "Barry's good. He's just usually so busy with work now."

Iris opened her mouth to speak but was interrupted by the ring of your phone. You shot her an apologetic look before answering your phone, "hello?"

"[Name]?" the familiar voice came through the phone causing you to smile.

"Hey, dad!" you said as you stepped to the side to let Iris pass you. She continued to keep working. "How's everything?"

"It isn't good," his voice came out in a hushed tone causing you to grow concerned.

You glanced over at Iris, who was sweeping the floor, before slowly making your way to the back room to have the conversation in private. "What happened?"

"It's the Joker," your father, Bruce spoke. His voice void of any emotion, but deep down you knew that he was worried. "He's been spotted in Central City."

"What?" you took in a sharp breath, glancing out the window to the seemingly peaceful city.

"I'm sending Dick over to help you track him down," Bruce spoke, you could hear him typing on his side.

"What about you?" you asked him. Central City was going to need Batman if the Joker was roaming the streets.

He let out a deep sigh, "I can't leave Gotham. Harley's out causing trouble, along with Scarecrow, Penguin and Two-Face."

You nodded, even though he couldn't see it at all. "Be safe, dad."

"Same goes for you, [Name]. Don't do anything stupid," and with that, the phone disconnected.

After shutting the store down, Iris and you headed your separate ways. You walked down the streets, keeping your eyes peeled for any suspicious activity. Central City was already a dangerous place with all the metahumans that wanted to tear Central City apart, now Joker was added to the mix. You took in a deep breath to calm your nerves, reminding yourself that Dick was making his way over to Central City. You also had your faith in Barry, Caitlin and Cisco.

The thought of Barry calmed you down immensely. In two weeks, on April 4th would be the day that Barry and you would have been dating for one whole year. Barry had told you everything, even the secret of him being the Flash while you hid so much. You promised Bruce to never let your secret out. Being Batgirl was dangerous and it took a lot of convincing for him to train you.

Barry and yours' shared apartment came into view. You quickly rushed up the stairs and entered the apartment. Instead of meeting the sight of Barry's goofy grin, you were met with Dick's shit-eating grin. You gulped as he walked over to you. "What?" your voice higher than intended.

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