"I'm just asking so if I see a random guy walk up to you I know to hit back." Wow. Really Namjoon.

"Well I do have one guy friend but at the moment he's in another city. So you won't see him around for awhile. But the only person I have around is Wheein."

"That's all the friends you have? Two. Woah."  Namjoon laughed. Excuse me?

"What's wrong with that?" I growled staring at him. Instead of answering me he just started laughing.

"Because you are a loner." He finally answered. I grabbed one of the pillows sitting on the couch and started hitting him with it.

"How dare you? They are the only people I need thank you very much."

"Okay, whatever. So do you go to school?" He asked.

"I'm on college break. But yeah, I attend college." I replied laying the pillow back down.

"Good, I don't want to deal with students again." He sighed.

"I go back in one week, I'm not off for a whole year. You'll have to somehow get into my school. But..." I started looking him up and down laughing a little.

"What? Why are you looking me up and down?" He asked. But instead of me answering I just started laughing.

"I really doubt you'll get in. You'll probably need help from my dad. He'll get you in no problem. But tell me some things about you." I pulled my legs up getting more comfortable.

"Well I'm a street kid. Parents died when I was young, raised by the streets. Have a gang but I call them family. We rule the south part of Seoul and are in the middle of a battle with the West. I did have a girlfriend for awhile but the damn bitch cheated on me so I haven't even thought about dating since."

"That's it? And you say I'm the loner." I laughed rolling my eyes.

"You are. Do you even know what having friends is like? Having two friends isn't the greatest. You need people to back you up if time gets rough. Maybe that's why you almost got kidnapped-" I jumped up scaring Namjoon a little.

"I would rather have them then a group of friends I don't trust. Them, I trust. You are just some stranger my dad bought for me. If you need anymore I'll be upstairs in my room. There is a guest room down that hallway where you can sleep." I snapped.

"It's only four in the afternoon." He shouted as I ran upstairs. I slammed my door shut before walking to my closet. I started playing music as loud as possible as I rambled through my closet. I walked over grabbing my phone as I closed my walk in closet door behind me. I called my friend Wheein as I looked around the closet.

"Hello." Wheein answered as I pulled out the perfect outfit.

"Hey you want to go out. I really don't want to be home at the moment so will you come pick me up?" I asked slipping on my shorts.

"Sure be there in ten." Wheein cheerfully said before hanging up. I got dressed making sure my bedroom door was still locked.

I know I'm wrong for sneaking out when I was just kidnapped, but that's why I sneak out with Wheein. If I wear a disguise no one messes with me. That day I got mad at my dad so I ran out the house late at night. I knew it was stupid because I could have got mugged but I never thought of getting kidnapped. I grabbed a pair of sunglasses, jacket, and my beanie before opening my bedroom window. I always have a little trouble sneaking out but it's not that hard. Walk down the roof until I get to the end. Our tree in our front yard has a large branch I can climb on and crawl down on. As I jumped down I smiled in satisfaction before I saw Wheein's car pull up. I got in the front seat as she smiled at me.

"Your hair is back blonde again, it looks nice-" I was cut off as the door behind me opened up as well.

"So where are we going ladies." I balled my fist up as Namjoon buckled himself in the car.

"How did you know? You know what I don't want to know. Leave. I'm going with my friend, I'll be fine." I snapped making him laugh. He reached up touching my necklace making me confused.

"Remember, we can't be away from each other or I go to prison and you might end up in a body bag. And if you wanted to go out, you should have texted me. I know a really good place to eat." He smiled.

"Wait really? Our place is getting kind of boring. By the way I'm Wheein, I've been friends with Mina since middle school." Wheein held out her hand but before she could shake Namjoon's hand I slapped it away.

"Don't betray me Wheein. He's not a good guy." I snapped.

"Isn't he your new bodyguard? I thought you were going to get one." She asked looking confused. Ugh!

"Well-" I was cut off as a hyper Namjoon slung over us and started hitting buttons on Wheein's GPS. You mother-

"If you drive now we might make it by five meaning half off everything." He spoke as he sat back. I rolled my eyes as Wheein start driving. I can't believe she's doing this really.

Am I really going to make it with Namjoon as my bodyguard?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2017 ⏰

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