Ch. One

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In every ten centuries when a vampire is born, a προστάτης is born along with them and is assigned to protect them with their lives no matter the circumstances.

If you are unfamiliar with Greek, προστάτης, translates to 'The Protector' or 'Guardian', who usually possesses two species of the supernatural world, making them known as hybrids. However there arerecordings of rare cases were a προστάτης has more, making them incredibly powerful and even more protective of their 'master' per-say.

They are known as δαίμονες.

All of the most powerful vampires had a προστάτης or δαίμονες, so to have one was a great honour and that's just what happened to the Dracula Clan, when Vladimir Dracula was born; he was given a δαίμονες.

However, Vladimir's' was unordinary. All throughout vampire history the δαίμονες or προστάτης has always been of male sex and had the appearance of someone in their late twenties, the only difference with the young Dracula's was that it was not male nor was it of common age.

His δαίμονες was, in fact, female and was no older than him, causing panic around the Dracula's so they sought the help of a witch.


Once a witch was acquired, she was asked why the children were different, the witch only voiced a gasp and fled the room, only to return with a large leather bound book.

She slammed the book on the table and began frantically searching for something in particular,  once found, her head slowly turned to the clan of vampires gathered in front of her and back to the two infants that lay in The Count's arms.

She informed them that two were very special.

She then told them of a prophecy that the two would have to fulfil when they become of age to receive their full powers. The reason for the δαίμονες being presented in such a young image was purposeful, to allow them to bond. So they could grow a bond so strong that it would be almost indestructible, in order to accomplish the prophecy they would have to complete later in their undead lives.

She clarified the females abilities, stating she was a three-part hybrid as she could practically feel the power radiate of her and announced she was not only part vampire and werewolf but also possessed magic, making her also, part witch.

Despite all of this information, the witch had still left out one very important event which would only occur one day prior to the pairs 13th birthdays.


Feeling somewhat content with the answer they had received, the Dracula's had returned home pondering whether or not they should indeed keep the mysterious infant or abandon her, as they were not convinced that a female could protect the only male heir to their throne, no matter how powerful she was supposedly meant to be.

The eldest daughter of The Count and Magda Dracula, Ingrid, had taking a liking to the young girl that was laid next to her newborn baby brother who she had the absolute opposite feelings to, as he was born male, which she knew would make her family resent her even more than they did previously.

Although the majority of the Dracula's were wanting to get rid of the child, surprisingly The Count himself was not one of them, as he felt a certain connection to the young girl. One he had never felt before, not even to his own daughter that he disgusted to a large extent.

But knowing that his clan would not approve of his newfound feelings towards the girl, he decided to come up with a quick excuse to keep her, as the future of the young female δαίμονες was essentially in his hands, as he was the leader of the vampire clan.

The Count turned to look at the grouchy faces in front of him before taking in a breath before saying.

"I propose we allow her to stay. If the Witch was right and they are destined to fulfil a prophecy together then I say they will. Besides, Vladimir has taken quite a liking to her, so for the sake of whatever that prophecy holds for the future for these two, my answer is final. She stays" he said in a booming voice while watching his newborn son snuggle happily into the side of the little girl beside him.

His clan all nod in understanding until a small voice asks 'what is she going to be called' that came from a curious young three-year-old Ingrid Dracula.

The Count sneered at the girl before him, then looked back at the crib were both infants were sound asleep.

"she shall be named Alexis" he announced, to which no one objected as he silently admired his son and heir to his throne sleep peacefully next to the beautiful baby girl.


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