Mary Anne Must Die In White

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I stood at the altar awaiting my dear,sweet Mary Anne to gracefully walk up so we may be wed,but she never came.I became nervous and a little foolish.I fiddled with my corsauge and checked my watch.Soon,hushed murmurs of annoyance and worry came from the rows of men and women sitting before me.I left the altar in search of my bride.In search of my love and my life.I checked corridors and chambers in search of my fair maden but I found no one.I heard something though.Past the small wash room.I opened the door to see something that made my blood boil and bubble.My sweet Mary Anne was in the arms of another.A man I don't even know.I didn't look back as I turned and fled the scene.My blood was on fire and all I could see was red as I went home angrily and grabbed a large cleaver.I paced back and forth,my thoughts racing.A sick smile spread across my face as twisted and bloody fantasies filled my head.I stroked the cleaver and turned to look at the clock.It was fifteen til nine.At the stroke off midnight my lovely bride shall die.I shall go to her home and kill her.She must die in white.I went to the wash room and looked in the mirror.I smiled as I stared at myself.Suddenly,a strange thought came to my mind.I looked at my eyes.Did I need them?Maybe.....I stared at myself for a long found and when I looked back at the clock I gasped a little.I was late for my performance!It was half past eleven.I hurriedly rushed to the door and grabbed my long black trenchcoat.I put it on,raising the collar to hide my face.I grabbed the cleaver and once again stroked its smooth and shiny silver surface.I smiled as my eyes went wide and I rushed outside.I walked the streets,my black coat billowing behind me as I made my way to Annes home.Once I got there,I slowly climbed in through the window.My sweet Mary Anne-no that whore-was sleeping in her wedding gown,empty bottles of alcohol strewn around herI slowly inched towards her.She was so beautiful in the moonlight.I slowly raised my cleaver,a smile spreading across my face.I brought it down in her chest.She woke with a start,but I had pinned her down.She wailed in pain as I repeatedly stabbed her in the stomach and arms.I was going to enjoy this before it was over.Oh what joy it gave me to hear her cries of pain!A poet was I,and she was merely a stanza in my rhymes.She trashed about as blood stained my hands and her gown.It drenched the bed and pooled onto the floor.Shining in the moon it was so beautiful.Red blood glistening silver.Soon,the light was fading from her once beautiful eyes.She screamed still,in pain and agony.Still,I stabbed her arms and cut open her stomach.I dragged out her entrails and layed them around her.I cut up a few entrails and then shoved them back in.Skilled was I,and she was merely my handywork.Light sparked in my eyes as she let out a guttural cry,blood bubbling from her lips.I slowly raised the cleaver above my head and brought it crashing down into her beating heart.She gasped and heaved once,then died.Blood still came though,pooling around me.By now,I was bored again.I was no longer having fun.The fun was gone because notw my toy was broken.I was now insane.An insane madman that would find new people to sculpt.I enjoyed seeing the blood,hearing the screams,and cutting her lifeline off.My eyes blazed with happiness.I slowly turned my head,my eyes wide and my smile stretching even wider.I put my cleaver into a pocket and fled.I fled to my home where I smiled and went to the wash room.I. was covered in blood,and my eyes were wide in joy-my smile crooked in a sick mocking grin.I stroked my eyes.I didn't need them.....did I?I looked at the cleaver thoughtfully.No,it wouldn't do.I threw it aside and went into my doctor's bag.I retrieved a scalpel and looked at it.Beautiful.I laughed haughtily as I raised it to my eye and raised the eyelid.A tune began to play in my head as I joyously brought the scalpel closer to my eyes."Never did I awake from this terrible dream....sent forever to wander in Wonderland.",I said aloud.I proudly held the scalpel firm and lifted my eyelid,ready to take out my own eyes.I took one last look at myself covered in blood then began carving out my eyes.First the left,then the right.I smiled as blood drizzled down my cheeks.Empty black sockets were left as red liquid dropped from them.I laughed,still grinning then swayed and took a step back.I collapsed in a bundled heap on the floor,blood spilling from my empty black sockets and Mary Anne's blood pooling around me,dripping off my coat.The last thing I uttered was "A gentle man of blue roses and joyous song finally silenced by a madman"....

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2014 ⏰

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