Chapter 8

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Zayn's POV

ADOPTED!!!!!! My voice was a silent scream, on the outside I couldn't look any calmer. If this is true then that means two things. One, Alicia is a shifter and two, she is my sister. I fought to keep my emotions off my face and looked at Alicia, my long-lost sister if my parents are to be beleived. She looked a bit like me, nothing major but she had my silvery blue eyes (if I already gave her an eye color tell me so I can fix it. Thanks) and my sharp cheekbones. The resemblance and connection were enough to make me beleive the impossible, the people I had grown up with were not my parents.

I forced myself to refocus on my plan, we were going to tell her she could leave then stall until she doesn't want to leave anymore. I don't doubt that my brilliant plan will work, we just have to calm her down. Now, with my recent revelation, it is even more important that my plan work. I began to turn back to Alicia and begin weaving whatever lie it took to keep her here but she was not there. It seems, son  my dad stated , that your sister took a good opportunity to run away while we were all distracted, she is quite clever. 

I glared ,for a few moments, at the door before getting up and beginning the trek to find my little sister.

Hi guys as you can tell I am back. I was so surprised and proud to discover that 500 people have come to my little corner of wattpad and read my story. If I could I would dedicate this chapter to all of you. I love you guys! ;D

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