1 - Cabbage Soup

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Dominik kept up pace with his sister Ameline, who was usually much faster than him. The sky was dark, but not so much so that it was what was considered night time. It was the time of day where the murderers and thieves came out, crawling out of the deepest holes in the Earth, the darkest caverns, with no good intentions in their twisted minds. Neither Ameline nor her brother wanted to get caught (most likely causing Dominik’s sudden athletic equivalent to Ameline) so they went as quickly as they could.

The faster they ran, the farther they got, but at the same time their bodies became tired. The air was so wet that the pair felt as though they were underwater; but I suppose in that godforsaken city people always felt like they were drowning. They slowed down just enough to not feel safe, but they were almost ‘home’ and Ameline smelt the cabbage soup that their guardian cooked every night.

Once the siblings reached the door, they stood for a second and braced themselves for the punishment they were about to receive.

The door opened, and Dominik and Ameline closed their eyes, waiting, and-

“Where in gods name have you two been? Dinner has almost gone cold, and you’ve been lollygagging around, not thinking about how worried I would be or how dangerous it is at this time of day!”

He was wrong on many points, but they didn't dare argue. Patrick Sullivan was very defensive and scary when he was angry or worried.

“We were at Jonathan’s house, sir. We fell asleep and woke up just before dark, and we ran as fast as we could here.” Dominik explained, leaning forward and pressing his hands on his knees. Most of that was a lie, they weren't really at Jonathan’s and they never fell asleep, but they spent enough time at the boy down the street’s house and were so sweaty and out of breath that the lie was very believable (well, believable enough for Patrick, he was so scared for his children’s well being that he would believe every excuse above dolphin riding).

Patrick sighed and told them to go eat dinner, and once they were finished, sent them to bed, thinking about just locking them in the house tomorrow while he was at work. He looked at the time and realized that he only had about five hours until he needed to leave, and hurried off to bed.

After they heard the heavy thumps of Patrick’s footsteps going down the hall, Dominik and Ameline got up in unison and sat down on the torn up round carpet in the middle of their room. The cat, Minnie, who they had just been woken, looked at them as if they had ripped up her favorite toy.

“We really need to be more careful next time,” whispered Dominik, deciding that he was too restless and paced back and forth in front of Ameline.

“Calm down, it’s not like we got caught,” Ameline mumbled, looking down and playing with her hands.

The abandoned warehouse they decided to perform what they liked to call ‘experiment 521’ in was very secluded, almost a mile away from the rest of Salutis City, but between the police that had heard complaints of loud noises and the dangers of said experiment, Ameline could see where Dominik was coming from.

“This is serious Ameline! We need to take precautions, is there any way we can soundproof the warehouse?” Dominik whisper-shouted.

Ameline snickered. “Unless we ask Patrick for soundproofing, or magically poof it out of thin air, we are going to have to find another area.”

“I suppose it is our only option,” Dominik sighed, then sat back down.

“What about that old asylum on Fourth and Grundy? We didn't use it in the first place only because you're scared of it,” Ameline teased.

“I’m not scared of it, it's just too dirty and easy to get lost in,” Dominik scowled.

“Sure. Let me just write this down, and then we’ll go to sleep,” Ameline got up and scribbled down ‘Defectum Asylum - new location’ in the notebook marked ‘experiments’.

The pseudo-siblings then went to sleep, not knowing the extreme failure that awaited them.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2017 ⏰

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