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Graham Burns was eighteen when his whole world came crashing down. He would always remember the distress in his fathers eyes while he desperately tried to call Graham's mother and little Cody wailing in the background. His father had been muttering to himself:

"The colors oh god where are the colors! Please Rose pick up! Please!"

Over and over his brother Kade who had been twenty-five and had pushed Graham back to his room. Dani only twenty at the time trying to calm a crying Cody down. It wasn't working it was almost like Cody felt his mothers loss. That night at dinner there father did not join them and there mother was no where to be found. The next day there father said:

"She is gone kids. Your mother is dead. We need to raise Cody together!"

Graham would remember how mad Kade got. They way he punched the table in rage over his lost mother. Dani would be staring blankly at the ceiling wishing she had gone on that shopping trip with her mother for a new dress. Even if she did not like dresses it made there mother happy and little Cody was shaking not grasping what was going on but just old enough to know something bad had happened.

After that the eleven years passed in a blur. Graham graduated and became an engineer. Kade finally finished his fireman training. Dani became an emergency response dispatcher and Cody grew up surprisingly savvy with computers and helping others empathetically. Of course Graham was stupid in thinking the feeling of peace would last. The family was on better terms and actually becoming a family again. Cody was going through school in leaps and bounds. Kade was getting a much needed lesson in humanity of all things. Dani was slowly starting to manage her anger issues. There dad was moving on from there mother and starting to date-sorry hang out-with Timmy's aunt Karen. Then finally Graham felt better but something was missing. Then Dani started to see colors. Breathless she had bolted down into the bunker.

"I can see them! The colors! Oh god dad you where right they are gorgeous. I had no clue Blades was orange or Boulder was green. Heatwaves red you know!"

A look of excitement in her eyes as she went on a tangent about colors. Kade had looked relieved when see said that.

"Good I am not losing my mind with Haley!"

With that Kade and Dani actually had a civil conversation in there life. With Cody asking questions every know and then. His tone of voice colored with excitement. (What is colors? What is red? Orange? Green?) With either Dani, Kade and there father patiently explaining. By patiently Graham meant only there dad was patient with answering. Kade would explain but would get mad about Cody's lack of understanding. (I already told you what green looks like! No you can't taste colors! I don't know!) or Dani's lecturing explanations. (You will understand when you are older Code. I promise.) there dad was just patient. (You will understand in due time. Just my little boy for awhile longer. Please?) Cody would nod his head vehemently. Slamming the books down the chatter died down and his family turned to him.

"We need to stop feeling Cody's head with fairy tails colors are not really! There is no such thing has soulmates! Why am I the only one who sees that!?"

After Graham's outburst the whole family froze. Seeing there brother and son in a new light. Graham felt shame and anger burn through him. How could he have been so stupid to say that aloud! Turning sharply on his heel he ran out of the house. Graham had no clue where he was going he just knew he had to get out. When he was out he would decide what to do. Ignoring his family and the bots shouting at him to turn around and just please talk to them. He ran. He ran until his lungs felt like they would burst and his legs feeling like they would give out on him at any second. God, it was terrible. Walking he took shaky deep breaths to ease his nerves and walked blindly down town. Making a mental note to find a way to get Mr.Harrison out of the air and not in the way of citizens. Seriously that man needed to be banned from any and all flying capabilities. Especially with his track record when he ran into somebody. Suddenly Graham could see the colors. It was not a burst of color or anything that special but a gradual coming of since. The girl he ran into looked up at him and gaped.

"I felt like I should visit Griffin Rock. Never in a million years did I imagine I would find my soulmate. Oh my name is (Y/N) (Y/L/N) it is nice to finally met you Mr, ah, mister?"

"Burns. Umm Graham Burns. It is nice to see you?"

It came out has a question more than anything and the girl giggled brushing her hair out of her face. Checks going slightly darker. Was that a blush? It made Graham's checks also heat up. What was going on? Yet, everything felt like it was perfect. Like finding all the right puzzle pieces and the satisfying feeling of putting them together. Maybe soulmates where real after all. If not well, Graham would not mind giving love a try. More do with the beautiful girl in front of him. With her Graham felt all his social awkwardness vanish. Maybe he should call his family but first why not take the girl out for dinner?

"Ah would my soulmate do the honor of accompany me for dinner? Down at the cafe not exactly first material but..."

"I would love to take up that honor but can I pay?"

Giving a nervous chuckle Graham laughed. Yeah he would call his family later but until then he had date.

"We will see who gets the check first honey."
Laughing with him know Graham basked in her cheerful attitude. Maybe soulmates really where real? Who would have thought?

Graham looked around downtown and grinned at the colors all around him. The blue sky and the gorgeous ocean. At the way the girls hair looked in the sun. Graham decided yeah maybe colors where not so bad and he could actually do real jobs without having to rely on someone else to explain what to do with the wires. Taking her hand Graham pulled his soulmate behind him. With that they laughed and talked all the way to the cafe and if Graham convinced the owner to get them alone in the building with only the cook and waiter? Well, it wasn't any of his business. 1143

A/N: Done! This is done baby! I hope you like it __speedy__prime__ ! Like I said you are awesome! I hoped this made you happy and if you want me to do any mod Graham x readers I will happily do them. On another note 1143 words people! Of pure story oh yes! A personal accomplishment of mine. That I am pretty dang proud of you. I love comments and votes they keep me alive! So I will explain this AU now:
You do not see colors until you meet your soulmate. When your soulmate dies the colors do not go away but they loss a certain shine about them. You are also emotionally connected and you will feel it aching when you are closer or your soulmate is stubborn. *Cough Graham cough*
In all seriousness though this was fun to write and it started out with more angst then I hoped but hey it was better in the end. I hope I got everybody in character because the characters just didn't want to work with me. You are screaming at them but they want to do there own thing like herding cats or should I say flobsters? Anyway, I do not own anything here! I make not profit out of this so please do not sue! Also comments. I love them so when you can just drop on in here and I will be so happy! This is my first x reader so score for me! Have a nice whatever is going on where every you are at pleas?

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