I turn around and see Thomas making his way to me. He is part of my group in the project and he's already done with his part. So why would he be making his way to me? Thomas catches up to me. "Are you headed to the library?" He asked me.

"Yeah, I'm almost done with my part in the project. I'll be done by the end of the day. Why?" I say. He runs his hand though his black hair. "I was wondering if I could come and help. I have nothing to do today, so can I?" He asks.

"Sure, Pamela will also be at the library. With the three of us, we could finish the project easily." I said. He smiles and his gray eyes look brighter. "What about Pete though? Doesn't he still have to work on his part?" He asked.

"He has football practice today so he can't today. He did promise that he'll be done with his part today though, so maybe we might get a good grade on this project." I say.

I can see the library in the distance. "How is your grade in history?" He asked me.

"Ok, I guess. It's a B I think. How about you?" I ask. He thinks for a minute. "I have a C in history, which reminds me that I have to take that test that I missed last week." He says.

"Why not take it after school today, since your free?" I ask wondering. He chuckles nervously. "Mostly because I haven't studied at all. Also the unit for that test is really hard." He said droopily.

"That unit was easy for me..... If you want, I could help you study for it?" I offer. Thomas lights up and smiles. "That would be a huge help! Yes, please. I'm free tomorrow as well. Could you help me study tomorrow in the library?" He asks excited.

"Sure." I say. I enter the library and look around for Pamela. She's in the far back with books surrounding her, strands of her light brown hair is hanging in front of her. "I'm going to get books that I'll need. You could go help Pamela if she needs help." I tell Thomas.

He nods and walks away, I walk to an aisle of books and look for books that I'll need. After a while of looking, I find five books that I could possibly use.

I carry the books to Pamela and Thomas. Pamela is reading while Thomas is staring at the books on the table. Thomas notices me walking towards them and his gray eyes lights up.

I arrive at the table and put the five books on the table. Pamela stops reading and looks at me with her amber eyes. My blue eyes looking at her. "Hey, Pamela." I say.

"Hey, Thomas is bothering me." She says. Thomas turns to glare at her. "No, I'm not. I just asked if you needed help." He says angry.

"I don't need help and your bothering me by talking to me." She clearly states. I laugh nervously and quietly. They never did get along. He scoffs and looks at me. "Need any help Melissa." He says, emphasis on the help.

Pamela rolls her eyes and goes back to reading. "Sure, read this two books and summarize it for me please." I tell him. He smiles and nods. "Sure." He responds. I sit down and read a book that I got.

An hour passes by and I finished reading three books. I write down what I learned and Thomas summarized the books that he read. I finished writing about all five of the books.

I smile as I finished. "I'm done at last. I just need to go home and put it in the computer then I'm fully done. How is your process going, Pamela?" I ask Pamela.

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