Chapter Two- Emotion

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"G... Gaston?" I sputter, tears growing in my eyes.

He gives me a sincere look. Though he seems furious and mildly confused, he reaches his arms out.


I don't hesitate to wrap him in my arms. I let tears of joy finally stream out when I'm in his grasp. He's so cold, and so fragile, and seems so weak. I never want to end this hug. Until a voice clears.

My head looks to the side, still wrapped in Gaston's arms, and there's Stanley.

"I should get going," he says, dusting off his cloak. His eyes are bleak and filled with disappointment. My heart drops.

I have feelings for Stanley. But I love Gaston.

"Gaston, this is Stanley," I say, letting myself out of Gaston's arms. I shiver. It's cold without him. "Uh, Stanley and I were just talking."

"You've replaced me already, LeFou?" Gaston says, jokingly. I laugh a little, but he seems a little serious.

"No one can ever replace you." I say, gazing into his eyes. When I remember Stanley is still there. I turn to face Stanley, who gives me a friendly nod. "I'll walk you out, okay?"

Stanley nods, and we head out the door. As the door closes, I grab onto his hand. It's cold and clammy, shaking and fragile. I look up at his face, and my heart brakes as a tear rushes out of his eye. Thinking I didn't see it, he wipes it off quickly.


He jumps, and his eyes are filled with worry. He looks at me like I just stabbed him in the chest. My grasp on his hands tightens.

"Can you promise me something?" Stanley asks, his voice breaking.

"Of course."

"Promise me... that we still have something?"

My heart shatters. And I'm utterly shocked, and yet, so afraid. I've wanted Gaston to come back, I've been mourning for him and even wailed my eyes out. But yet... Stanley is so beloved, flawless, loving.. he's so precious.

I raise my hand to his cheek and set it there. He lets his head rest there, and another tear rushes down his cheeks and onto his plum lips. I take my finger and wipe it off. I give him a gentle smile and he releases the grasp and walks away without another word.

"Stanley?" I whisper, knowing he can't hear me.

As I step inside, Gaston is looking out his window. I freeze. That means he saw me and Stanley. He gives me a look of envy, but it's also dissapointment. I feel so embarrassed, and I'm sure my cheeks are flushed wildly. But he doesn't mention that.

"Stanley? Since when do you like Stanley, LeFou?" Gaston sputters with a mild frown.

"He's just my friend," I say. With benefits, of course. Lots of benefits. "He's so kind-"

"Yeah, I've heard enough." Gaston says and holds a hand up to stop me. His voice is so confident, but he looks so weak. My heart races.

"Gaston, how did you get here?"

Gaston explains how he remembers falling, and seeing my hand. He says he couldn't reach it, even though he tried. He felt so discouraged, and he remembers everything being black and peaceful. He was happy. But the next second, he was on the bare ground, leaves in his hair and his cloak covered in mud. How could this happen? I ask myself. But I have no time to worry about it. He's back, that's all that matters. He's all I need. Isn't he?

"Gaston, we need to talk about something." I say with bubbling anxiety. I want to tell him about my feelings.

"Not now, LeFou," he says. "Where is Belle?"

"Belle? At the castle with Prince Adam." I say like it's obvious. His head shakes.

"Who's Prince Adam?"

I tell him about everything.. except Stanley and I, and how I practically cried like a baby over Gaston. I tell him how Belle and Adam are engaged now, and envy grows in his eyes.

"I thought I killed that horrid beast!" He shouts fiercely, the booming voice echoes in my ears.

"Gaston, just relax for now. Okay? Think about the war, blood, destruction, death." I soothe. And he finally breathes normally.

We just stand there, staring at each other. His eye is twitching, but I barely notice it as I stare into his wondrous, chestnut eyes. They bring me comfort and greet me with pleasure and I feel like.. I'm home. We're home. Gaston and I.

I still can't get over the fact he's here.

I mean, who would've done this for him?


I make my way to Stanley's house, while Gaston is sleeping. I don't know what time it is, but the stars have reached the sky and the moon is shining bright. Hesitantly, I snuck out the door and down to the road paths. I have to see Stanley. It feels like a typical thing. A yearning for him, a craving.

Slow down, LeFou. I tell myself. You're just friends.

The garden that surrounds his house is beautiful, a quite elegant sight. It's bright and colorful, and I want to sniff all of them. But my focus from the flowers leads to the front door, where I know stand. My hand reaches up to the door, and I give it a small knock. Nothing. I knock again, louder.

Noises. I hear footsteps.

I begin to sweat. What will I say to Stanley when I see him? How will I explain the Gaston problem? But before I even plan a word I'm going to say, the door swings open.

"LeFou..." Stanley whispers in awe. His hands reach out and grasp mine, sending tingles up my spine. He pulls me in for a hug. A hug that comforts me as I want to cry, it makes me smile. It's warm, gentle, and I never want to split apart. Except for he lets go and let's me inside.

"What's bothering you?" He asks as we sit on his couch. I shake my head and set it in my hands.

"I'm just so flustered," I answer with a shrug.

"Well, I would be, too." Stanley says. "I know it's hard to have two love interests-- I mean-" His face turns red, and he hides it with his hands.

I chuckle, even though I feel the slightest bit of displeasure. "Stanley, do you love me?"

Stanley let's out a nervous laugh.

Even though he didn't say yes, that sentence was enough to know that we had something.

Something special.


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