Not a Fairy tale

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Ever since I was young I’ve been having these fairytale like dreams only more modern.  There was always a prince who would come and rescue me from being lonely. I know the dreams so well that I could recite them right now.

I'm sitting in my bed wrapped in a blanket or whatever, and some guy just bursts threw my door. Then he’s all like “are you lonely?” then I go “why yes I am.” while licking my lips. I don’t even bother to ask how the hell he got in my house because he’s so damn cute. Next he grabs me by the hand and practically drags me out of the house- on a date though. As I got older the dream endings became more mature. I can always remember what happens in the dreams and yet somehow I can never remember the prince’s face.

 I did have a real prince charming though, only he was my secrete prince.  No one knew about him except my two best friends Kylie and Wyatt. They are the best people to go to when you want to let out a secret. They won’t tell anyone, not even their diaries.

Liam Tavernier is my Prince’s name. He’s is thee cutest guy ever, even Kylie says so. He’s got these greenish bluish eyes that sparkle even when he’s not in the sun. His hair is this sandy blond that makes you think he imported it from a famous Spanish beach. He used to let me run my fingers threw it when we made out in his room while his parents were at work, and even sometimes when they weren’t at work. I remember him going “Mom me and Kaio are going upstairs to study don’t bother us” and they would listen to him. My parents don’t even let Kylie in my room because she’s “not of the same gender”. Liam was a really cool boyfriend. I remember how he would pull me onto his lap and tell me how much he wished me weren’t a secret. I wished the same thing but we were a secret.

Liam broke up with me at the end of the school year and never told me why. All he said was “I think we’ve kept this secret for far too long” then he left. He didn't answer my phone calls or my texts. At the beginning of the summer I saw him holding hand with a girl in an ice cream parlor. I wanted so bad to just run in there and shout “HE’S GAY!!!” and then just run out. She wouldn’t have broken up with him though because he’s really cute. A lot of the kids that I know are like that though.  They only like someone for their looks. Liam’s not like that. He must’ve seen something in her that he liked. I have the biggest eyes in the universe and the girliest face on the planet but he liked it. He said that he liked that I was fragile and that no matter how many jokes were made about me it wouldn’t change how he felt about us.

On the first day of school I woke up way too early for a teenage boy. I didn't really sleep much either, probably from the excitement, or the anticipation of going back to school. Maybe I just really wanted to see Kylie and Wyatt or maybe even Liam. Kylie went to visit some family for the last 2 weeks of summer and Wyatt went on vacation for the entire summer.  They really are good friends since they asked me if it was ok to go first because of the whole break up thing. Of course I lied because who wants to know as the reason your best friends didn't have the summer they deserved. Not me. So I spent the first half of the summer sobbing with Kylie and the second half giving everyone who pissed me off the finger. Believe me there were a lot of people that pissed me off.

Almost every morning the breakfast table consists of me and my older sister Addison since my parents are always on vacation, always.  So the mornings are usually quiet like today.

“Good morning” Addison said as I dragged my body in to the kitchen. I swear she is like a little, big, little kid. That means that she’s tiny, old and acts like a little kid. Just looking at her you’d think she was 13 instead of 17. For example she has her hair in two pigtails on the sides of her head, this pink shirt that has the word “POPSTAR” on it, and candy sticking out of her mouth.

“Not a good morning.” I say pointing to the candy wrapper on the counter. “You’re eating my candy when you know that’s the only thing that wakes me up in the morning.”

“Aw” she mocked. “How about you call your fake ass boyfriend Liam and tell him to wake you up next time.” Addison thinks Liam is way out of my league so when I told her about us she didn't believe that we ever went out.

“I'm leaving.” I tell her when I'm leaving every day in case she wants to ride with me but she never does.

I have a driver that drives me to school every day since I'm not old enough to drive myself. He asks me the same thing every day.  “Would you like some music sir?” and every day I fall asleep to Panic at the Disco’s New Perspective.  On the way to school I had a dream that I was at Liam’s house and we were playing games in his bedroom when all of a sudden his controller turned in to a gun.  He began shooting me and throwing things at me all while chanting “I hate you”. I woke up with a tear rolling down my cheek. Of all the days to have a Liam dream, it had to be the first day of school.  

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