Dancing In The Rain

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 Chapter One-

Hey everyone! I am starting a new story! Bear with me!


                                             Phoebe’s POV

Each day I see it rain, I think about dancing in the rain. But, never have the chance. My mummy and daddy think rain will make me get a cold.

My mum works as a waitress at a fancy diner called Ala Bouche Cafe. She went to college but said being a waitress was her true calling. My father is a professor at the Community College downtown.

I also have a sister. Her name is Caitlyn. She was nothing like me. She absolutely hated my mummy and daddy. She said we could not do what we wanted. That we were trapped in the small apartment. She turned eighteen and moved, yet we never heard from her again. Mummy says that she was a disappointment, because she did not obey her and daddy.

My family moved here from England when I was two years old because they hated being under control of the King.

Now I am sixteen years old, and just a hint of a British accent from when I was a baby. I do go to school, a public school to be exact. Thank goodness that it’s summer vacation.

It is a dark summer day here in New York City and I look out our window to see couples walking together, and I wish I could be free like them.

I know what it feels like to be under someone's control. My mummy and dad are like the King. Caitlyn stood up for herself and left the control of mum and dad.

I wonder how Caitlyn turned out. I'm sure right now, she is enjoying the freedom she has with her many friends, because of her welcoming attitude, and spunky personality.

I am just plain Phoebe. There is nothing fancy about me. If you ask me to paint a tree, it would have read apples, green leaves and a brown trunk. If you asked me what my dream is, I would say it is to become a Brain Surgeon. If you ask what my favorite book is, I'd say the bible.

But, that doesn’t mean that I’m not a loner. I do have one close friend but she’s at the hospital because she has pneumonia. Which is crazy because it’s summer, but I think she’s immune to this stuff, because she has horrible asthma and allergies. There’s always a few kleenexes in our pockets, so that she doesn’t sneeze on me.

                                                Caitlyn’s POV

Today, it is raining. I am going to a party at my boyfriends house, Brian. It's not exactly a party, we're going to watch a movie with some of my friends and his friends and eating some junk food.

Right now, it is early in the morning, and at my apartment, I am watching the news while getting ready for work. I work at the bakery. I love to bake. Mummy and I used to love to bake together. We'd bake cakes then deliver them to grandmummy.

I still keep in contact with grandmummy from when I moved out without their permission, but she must promise not to tell mummy. Who knows what mum would do if she found out where I was. She understands how I am suffering, because the King back in England was like her. She said, mummy only does that to protect us, but it seems like she only does that to ruin Phoebe and I's life.

I doubt though, that Phoebe will stand up for herself like I did, and moved out. I am proud of myself because I am living the life that I always dreamt of. Phoebe had her sweet sixteen birthday a month ago, so, I anonymously sent her a paint set. She always had an artsy talent, but she doesn't realize it. She could become a famous artist.

I shut off the TV and headed downstairs and out the door. I walked to the parking garage, grabbed my bike, which Phoebe got me for my 18th birthday, which is why she is the best.

I hopped on the bike and began to pedal, purse on my shoulder. My work is about one mile down the road, so, I turned on my iPod and jammed down to the bakery listening to 'Don't Stop Believing', my favorite song, because it is so inspiring.

As I pulled up to the bakery, I saw Jim, who owns and works full time at the Bakery. He is a very nice man, who has a great sense of humor.

"Hey Caitlyn! How is my girl today?" He asked in an excited voice.

"Great! Is Kelly or Christine working today?" I asked, I loved them both.

"Christine. Kelly works tomorrow." Jim answered.

Jim and I work full time, everyday, except Sundays. Kelly and Christine work part time, and rotate days. If Kelly has something up, Christine will cover for Kelly.

"What are we starting on today?"

Normally, Jim would have me bake and decorate the cakes by myself. In my spare times, I'd make cookies and donuts to put on display for customers to grab.

"Um, we each have one cake scheduled right now, but, since it is a Saturday, we have to start with some display sweets, then we'll make our cakes. I have to make a sports cake, and you'll be making a surprise cake for a little girl, so you get to make what you'd like."

I love when Jim gives me the surprise cake. I had this really cool vision for the cake. Because it is summer, it will be a beach theme with sunglasses, beach balls, and stuff like that.

I began baking a batch of frosted cookies. When a lady came in with her two little daughters and her son. She looked tired, probably from the kids.

I put the batch of cookies, all in random shapes, into the oven quickly, set the timer and walked to the main counter to greet the lady.

"Hi, welcome to Jim's Bakery. How may I help you?" I asked her.

"Well, my children say this bakery is the best, one of their friends gave them a cookie and said it was from Jim's Bakery, and we just had to get a dozen at our house. We just love having treats at our home." She exclaimed.

"Well of course, ma’am. I just put in critter shaped cookies, and they'll be done in 15 minutes, I have to frost them, but there is also some animal shaped-frosted cookies on display, but there’s only seven of those right now. If you'd like, you can give me your number and we'll call you when the fresh ones are done. If you'd like any other shapes, I can also arrange to do the same." I exclaimed to her.

"Could we get the fresh critter cookies. We'd also like 4 of the animal ones to munch on while we go shopping, please. Here’s my number.” She hands me a pad of paper with a phone number on it.

“We will be in town for a while, so it won't take us long to get here. Thanks so much. I'd hate to be a hassle!" The lady replied.

"No, thank you. We love getting customers. We will call you as soon as the cookies are done. Thank you for coming." I said.

"Bye." She said, leaving the shop, the little kids munching on the cookies.

Once she left the shop, I checked on the critter cookies. Still 10 minutes then I have to frost them. Now, I knew I should at least start the cake. I grabbed all of the ingredients we'd need. That's when I noticed we needed more eggs.

The nice thing about the bakery is that it is right next door to a mini-mart, so I ran next door with some money from the register and bought a few packs of eggs and heard a beep from the oven.

Cookie time!

Dancing In The Rain Trilogyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें