02 - "I lost the one person I never thought I could lose."

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Edited - if you happen to find any more grammar or spelling mistakes, do leave a comment and I will get to editing that mistake as soon as possible. Thank you very much.

With love, Billie.

Photo: Dylan O'Brien as Zach Quick

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January 2008

Blair Westfield

It was the first day of secondary school today. Part of me could not wait to run in and see what my new lessons were like while the other part of me just wanted the holiday to lengthen itself... It was purely because I knew if primary school were already such an obstacle for Zach, where would secondary school stand? Unlike most of my primary school days, I came to school alone because I did not want to have the same conversation with Zach for another year. If we walked to school together, I would be a little sad and Zach would notice that. The minute he noticed it, he would make all sorts of empty promises to cheer me up. Truth to be told, I only smiled to please him most of those times. He always thought that he could read my smiles well but actually, his confidence blinded him, obviously.

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February 2008

Zach Quick

Today was Valentine's Day and like all the Valentine's Day that had passed in the last twelve years of my life, I had practically spent all of them with Blair. It was not that I liked her or she liked me, we just thought Valentine's Day should not only be for couples, it should be for best friends to have even more fun together too. And also because of this, I bought Blair a bouquet of pink roses - her favourite - as I waited for her to enter school. I did not know what had gotten into her ever since this year started but she never agreed to walk to school with me anymore. Without Blair beside me while heading to school and back home, it felt like a part of me went missing. I just hoped Blair would start to walk to school with me again otherwise I might just die of loneliness. Just as I was staring at the bouquet of Blair's favourite flowers, I felt movement next to me. I looked up hoping to see Blair but well, I frowned after seeing my newfound buddy.

Sebastian Asher, my buddy after my best friend. He was English like me and he was smart like Blair. It's funny how we first met. It was the first day of school and since Blair went off without me, no one bothered to rush me and I was almost late for school. Just as I was running down the hallway towards my class, Sebastian came out of nowhere - another classroom and it turned out to be mine as well - and we hit each other real hard. I always heard the bigger boys say you never know you had found a buddy until you injured him and he injured you too. Well, Sebastian and I became buddies quickly. Despite him being my buddy, he never saw me together with Blair before. Sebastian knew who Blair was but he never questioned me about her and nor did I tell him about her. Okay, there was one time when Blair and I finally walked home together - only one pathetic time - and Sebastian saw us holding hands. Before I knew it, he was teasing me the next day. Unfortunately I never got to tell him Blair was just my best friend. As weeks went by, I forgot all about it and now, since he didn't tease me anymore, I didn't need to care.

"I see the pink roses and I see you on this bench and then I saw your frown upon seeing me. Guess I am not the girl you're waiting for." Sebastian wiggled his eyebrows and I rolled my eyes.

"Go and be a poet, you make a good job."

"Oh come on Zach, the pink roses are for?"

"Blair." No teasing please...

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