September 9/11/2001

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DATE 9/11/2001:

  I was in New York for my last day off from the military and the time that I had to go back to the camps for the Marines an the time was 9:02 a.m and I looked out to the twins towers for the last time when I was going to walk out of my room of the hotel and I heard a expulsion on one of the towers and I seen a another plane hit the south tower an then the south tower claps into it's self and later the north tower claps into it's self at that point I knew that we will be in a war. The general called all of the marines back to the base for a war over seas and this was my first  time fighting over seas. Then we are the first unit to go and the order to us was (Kill your enemy where ever they are and don't back down from a fight). That night at ground zero it was really silence and I went to it after I did that, I went start back to the base for the war on Afghanistan an their leaders.

DATE 9/12/2001:

    It feel liked that the world just stop moving at once and everybody just stopped where they were at and the only thing that I can say is the United States of America will get her revenge for the twins towers and for the world from the attacked after all this is over and the world will be in peace once angina. I wished this wont'd happen angina in the future and if it does we will be ready for it.      

I hope my book is doing good for all of u and I had to jump over October to do November  

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