Chapter 2

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"I gotta tell the moving crew where they can bring my stuff," Jimmy's mom, Lydia observed out loud, "Which one's gonna be my room?" She asked, rocking Jordan in her arms.

"Your room?" Allison questioned, as she thought her eyebrows couldn't raise any further. 

"Mom, the hell is happening?" Jimmy asked, he was not liking the sound of this.

"Remember," Lydia laughed, "I said you guys were gonna need my help, and with Allison going back to work soon I figured this was the best time for me to move in."

"Who told you, you could move in?" Jimmy crossed his arms, as Allison just stood there with a dazed look on her face.

"Jimmy don't argue with me, I'm the one doing you a favor." She shook her head, "Isn't that right Jordan." She said in a baby voice, looking at the infant in her arms.

"Hey, Mrs. Butler, where do you want this?" A mover asked, standing at the front door with a large box.

"I'll show you." Lydia nodded, walking the mover and Jordan to the spare room.

"Jimmy!" Allison whisper yelled to her husband, "What the hell is happening?" She asked in frustration.

"Look, baby," Jimmy sighed, "I don't really know, I don't know where she got this idea from I..."

"You think we'll survive living in the same house as your Mother?" Allison asked, putting her hands on her hips.


"Jimmy!" Lydia called from the spare room.

"My god," Jimmy sighed, walking in the room, as the mover was leaving to probably get another box.

"Where can I put my tv?" She asked, looking around the room.

"Mom," Jimmy began, "You can't live here are you crazy?"

"What?" His mother responded, as Allison made her way to the doorway.

"No one asked you to do this." He responded, trying to be as nice as possible, "You don't need to do this."

"Jimmy," She said, "Allison," She continued, looking at her daughter in law in the doorway, "You need me."

"But-" Jimmy tried to defend.

"No buts!" She retorted, "I told you two I'd be here to help you, so here I am." She smiled, handing Jordan off to Jimmy, "Now leave me in peace for a while to unpack." She shooed them.

"Baby..." Jimmy trailed off cradling Jordan in his arms.

"Are you okay with this?" Allison whispered to him, as the three sat on the couple's bed.

"I don't know." He shrugged, holding Jordan up right, "I think she actually might help." He admitted calmly, "It would get rid of our problem." He commented, "But, if you're not okay with it, I'll get rid of her. Swear."

"Jimmy," Allison sighed, she didn't know if she was annoyed or happy. On one hand it would solve their issue with who would watch Jordan when they were at work, but it also meant that they didn't really have privacy. "Of course she can stay."

"You're sure?" He questioned, putting his open hand on her thigh. "Because, seriously, if it's not..."

"I mean I don't really know how she's gonna leave now with basically all her stuff in here." She laughed, "What's the worst that could happen?"


"Allison!" Lydia sing songed, walking into the kitchen as Jordan was taking a little nap, "Smells good in here!"

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