Falling For You

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Hey guys, I hope you like this story. This has taken me a long time to write not because it isn't flowing but because of me. I'm not one of those writers that can just sit down and write whenever you want me too. I have been working on this day by day, little by little. So if you guys really like this story then please let me know. I want to know all feedback to help me in the future.

The character list on the side is who I think should play my characters. Though with Jennifer Lawerence I picture her with brown hair like she had it in The Hunger Games for Gabrielle.

So the picture on the side is the other cover IsaSecret made me. I couldn't decide which one I liked better so I used both of them. She made me 2 covers that are similar, the other cover that I haven't put on here is the same as the cover only without the subtitles.

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Sorry, I'm rambling, now on with the story.


Chapter 1

Arianna’s POV:

I moved more clothes into my closet from my suitcases. I was surprised that all of my clothes fit in the closet. It was huge, nothing like my closet from home but still. My roommate wasn’t moving in until tomorrow or later tonight. Not that I cared.

There was a ding on my computer indicating that there was a message for me. I looked over at it and sighed. Oh Lis, you always know when I need ya. It was a Skype message from Melissa. I moved the mouse over to the accept button and pressed it. In a split second it took Melissa’s face was in on the screen in front of me.

I let a smile creep onto my face, “Oh, Lis how are ya? Settling in all right?”

She let out a light laugh, “Yes, I’m fine and settled in. My roommate is just plain cool. You would like her.”

“Oh I would now?” I said while arching one eyebrow.

Lis let out a groan, “Ari, you know how I hate that one eyebrow thingy. It creeps me out. Please stop!” she whined. I laughed, really laughed since Ryzer left me.

“Oh my god! Chica, you’re laughing! I haven’t seen you this happy since... Well, since before Ryzer,” she stated.

We talked for a while longer until I heard a loud thump out in the hallway and a curse. Then my dorm room door swung open, in front of me stood a pretty girl around my age. Behind her is this smoking hot guy. Who I could probably guess is either her boyfriend or brother.

“Ari, I thought you said that your roommate wasn’t moving in until tomorrow?” Lis asked through the screen.

 I turned back to her, my eyes rolled around in a circle, “Lis, I said either late tonight or tomorrow,” I replied to her question with a shrug. “Besides it doesn’t even matter if she moved in tonight. I’m going out with Logan.”

“Of course you are.” she replied back with her own eye roll. Then she lowered her voice, “Did you get a look at the new and hot eye candy with her?”

A smile crept up on my face, Melissa, always looking for hot guys to date, flirts with, have a one night stand with, or look for guys for me. I love her to death but I don’t need her choosing guys for me to date. Her tastes in guys are very different from mine. Really different but we have each other’s back no matter what.

Forever and for always. That’s what Lis and I decided. No boy will ever get in between us no matter how much we love him.

A loud grunt brought me back to reality. I turned to face them, ready for the introductions, ready for anything.

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