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when Faith finally decided to leave the stall to wipe her smudged mascara stains and her hefty-bagged eyes she leaned both of her hands against the white sink, letting reality set in once more that same Wednesday.

she exited the crowded feeling bathroom, even it being empty left her feeling claustrophobic. the brunette made her way into the hallway and towards her locker, where she had seen two very familiar faces, an automatic feeling of guilt rising in her chest again.

"Faith?" Mrs. Baker attempted, getting no response as the young girl stopped at the locker beside Hannah's and swiveled her lockers keypad.

"You're late to Sixth, Ms. Caylor" Mr Porter reminded her, making her nod. The pair of parents kept their eyes on the familiar girl, watching her sadly as she gave them the silent treatment.

"Sorry sir, I was in the washroom" she murmured opening her baby blue locker, grasping her binder and shutting the door, spinning the lock once more before walking off in the other direction toward Bradley's classroom, the sound of her heeled shoes pattering against the tiled flooring.

entering the class late, all eyes were on her and it felt less normal than usual. they all looked pitiful, like they felt bad. she smiled gently at the teacher before taking her usual seat across from Sheri and beside another girl whom she never caught the name of.

the class was glancing at the center of the classroom, where a brunette boy had his eyes focused on the empty desk horizontal from where the group of desks Faith was sat at were.

"Clay?" Ms Bradley had called, startling the boy out of his haze, his eyes meeting the doe eyed ones across from his own, offering her a small genuine smile she finally felt the need to return.

Ms Bradley continued the class discussion, beginning to talk about how easy it is to reach out for help if you really need it.

"Ms. Bradley, is it possible we could be done with all this? I mean, it's been over a week. Isn't it healthy to, like, move on?" Pratters commented, making Faith snap her head in his direction with a disgusted glare on her face.

"Excuse me?" she spat, placing her pen down atop of her notebook making Sheri look at her. "She's dead, there is nothing to move on from Pratters"

"I'm just saying, Its tragic I know, but-"

"but nothing, It is tragic, she's gone, and maybe you should let people teach their lectures about getting help instead of interrupting them and maybe they'll go faster for you" Faith angrily spoke, her doe eyes narrowing at him before she turned back in her desk grasping her pen again.

"Thank you Faith" the teacher gratefully commented, attending back to her lesson once more.

almost thirty minutes later the bell rang, making Faith one of the first people up and out of that classroom with all of her belongings.

grasping her keys tightly she went straight outside of the building, grateful for the breath of fresh air filling her nostrils and lungs.

making her way to her car she tucked a piece of hair behind her ear gently, a voice calling her name making her stop in her tracks.

"Tony?" she asked, her first meaningful smile growing and her eyes lighting up.

"If it isn't my little ray of sunshine" he teased, wrapping the shorter girl into his arms, a smile on his own face.

"Its good to see a friendly face, one that's not up my ass about how I'm feeling" she breathed, pulling away and looking at his hazel eyes before turning her head in the direction where she heard her boyfriends engine roar.

"I was gonna ask how you were doing, but I'll detour from that" he decided, looking where she was before grabbing his own keys in his hand "My dad misses having you over, come over sometime soon okay?" he asked, making her nod.

"I'll see you around T" she nodded, turning around and pressing the unlock button on her cars key-chain before placing her binders and backpack into the backseat, a presence approaching her.

"Dempsey's girl without Dempsey?" Bryce joked, making Faith fake a laugh

"I guess," she answered "But if you're curious, Dempsey's girl will be with him sometime tonight, we made plans"

"He misses you" he told her, making her look at him.

"He'll see me tonight, I've missed him as well." she informed him, leaning against the door of her Jeep. "I've just needed time" she shook her head "You wouldn't understand"

"You both were close?"

"You could say that, I kinda tutored her every Friday" Faith let him know, running a hand through her hair "You should go, before I get all choked up and before Zach gets upset you're holding him up from getting home"

"You'll be alright getting home?" He asked

"My car works, and so do my legs, I will be fine Bryce" she promised, smiling softly before opening the drivers-side door and getting in. "I'll see you sometime soon B"

"I'll see you soon Faith" he smiled, shutting her door for her and walking the opposite way.

"Are you sure you don't mind? I don't wanna stop you from getting home to your family or-" Hannah began, making the brunette shush her.

"I have no curfew, and its only three o'clock Baker, I have no problem taking you home" she swore, smiling at the girl before taking her bag and placing it in the backseat next to her own.

the blue eyed girl thanked the doe eyed one before entering the passenger side as she got in the drivers seat.

they were down a main road, on their way to Hannah's with the radio blaring and smiles and laughter coming from both girls, Faith's fingers tapping along to the beat against the steering wheel while the curly haired girl tossed her head around yelling the lyrics to a familiar pop song that was overplayed but worthy of being appreciated.

Faith let out a sob, placing her forehead against the steering wheel and letting her cries fill the car.

all she could feel was the aching in her heart and all she could think of was the empty seat beside her

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