the day i lost it all is the day he saved me

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George left so I was allowed to get some rest I close my eyes and fell asleep

I'm in a grougus medo of flowers as I walk through them it tren dark the flowers die and the sky go gray I don't get it. It was so grougus what happened to it all " You know what happened to it all"-"No I don't how are you "-"You know why it's like this they did this to us why are you prtending not to here us y/n please let us back in"-" what are you saying leave me alone" the room the fells with fire  and lighting" don't lie you know please recall us all by name please they thought you were crazy because you here us but your not please y/n please"-"I'm sorry but I don't know you"

(End Dream)

I wack up scared and scraming what is going on how are they 


3 years ago a little girl by the name y/n was called crazy because she say she seen other sides of people angles demons and human but when her momther find here talking to the wall she was Scard the girls was talking to her mom's angal she said over and over again they say she was crazy and put her in a prison is what she called it she say they touch her and bet her but there were no brose she say not them there demons they put her in a chair the next day and every time she look not at the Dr they zapt her she would say they tezer her but no one can see that so one day she say they are gone but they aren't they were sad to here her say that but her parents were glad to say she's nomal but without them knowing she would go talk to them but after she was 16 they were gone for good.

(End flashback)

No it can't be you ran out the house you lost everything you don't even want to say hi to no one wall you were running you bup in to George

George (pof)
I was hading to y/n house to give her flowers when I see she running into me ware is she going I run behind her just to get to a brige she gets on the ege what no" stop y/n no" I grabbed her and brote her close to me she cry I was not going to let everyone hurt her"I got you don't you ever do that again please I love you way to much to lose you"wait did I just say that she the looks at me and we walk home she then say "thx for saving me " I just smile and hug her

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