(Y/N)'s Introduction

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A/N : I first wrote this on quotev and just decided to copy it onto wattpad since I was bored.  The quotev link can be found here :


"Ciel! Ciieeeel!" A young six year old (Y/N) (L/N) glomps her fiance and best friend Ciel Phantomhive.

"Uwah! (Y/N)!" They both fall to the ground in a fit of giggles and laughter. Ciel stands up helping (Y/N) up as well. "Whats the matter?" She grabs his hand and squeezes it tightly.

"Nothing really. I just really missed you!" She giggles as he blushes slightly.

"We saw each other yesterday though! It wasn't that long ago."

"It felt really long though. Like THIIS long!!" She stretched her arms out for emphasis. Ciel uses this moment and wraps his arms around (Y/N), making her blush.

"I missed you too..." He mumbles as his fiance hugs him back.

"Right then!" She pulls away from the hug and puts her hands on her hips. "Since we haven't seen each other for a WHOLE day. We must make up for it! We will now play together! Lets go!" (Y/N) takes off running with Ciel close behind.


"What do you mean daddy?! Why can't I marry him?! WHY CAN'T I MARRY CIEL?!" (Y/N)'s face is red and puffy from crying as her father tells her the bad news.

"It is rude for a lady to shout!" Her fathers booming voice quickly shuts (Y/N) up. "Me and your mother have recently had a meeting with the Midford and the Phantomhive family. Due to certain circumstances Alexis Leon Midford and Vincent Phantomhive have agreed to have Ciel marry Alexis' daughter, Elizabeth Midford."

(Y/N) felt tears start to fall from her eyes again as the name replayed in her mind.

Elizabeth Midford. Elizabeth Midford. Elizabeth Midford....... ELIZABETH MIDFORD

"I HATE ELIZABETH MIDFORD!!" (Y/N) screeched making her father jump. She sat on the floor sobbing wildly. Her father had been known to care about nothing more than his work. But it caused him pain to see his daughter like this.

"I-if you are quite done with your tantrum, young lady, please leave my office at one. I have much work to attend to." (Y/N) stood up and dried her eyes with her arm as she apologised to her father for her 'baby-ish' behaviour. She left the room with a quick good-bye and headed for her room. When she got there she collapsed to her bed and cried through the whole night.


'Dear Ciel Phantomhive,

By now you should have heard the news of your new arranged marriage. This has honestly destroyed me. I intend to write my proper opinion in this letter which is directed to you and you alone. We have been friends for many years. And in the middle of that friendship, my feelings towards you grew as well. I started to look forward to the wedding. And the idea of spending my life with you. But I now know that wont be able to happen. Because of her. Like I said this letter is strictly for you, so I am not holding back. I hate Elizabeth Midford. Shes the one stealing you away from me. I know I am acting like a child. But I don't care. I love you Ciel. I love you. And no matter what I do, or what I say. I will always love you. I must go now.

Love from (Y/N) ♥


"(Y/N), we must go home now..."


"Do not raise your voice at me young lady. Your mother would want you to carry on the ways of a (L/N) woman. You cannot do that by weeping over her grave for eternity."

Though her fathers words were cold, (Y/N)'s father was distraught over his wife's death. She had been sick for a few months now and it had finally caught up with her. Lady (M/F/N) (L/N) had been a respected lady and her death had been a shock to everyone. Both the Phantomhive and Midford family had attended and (Y/N) had thought of trying to find Ciel and 'Elizabeth'. But because of the circumstances, she knew seeing Ciel with his new fiance would cause (Y/N) to go insane with rage. So she didn't. She thought she saw a young boy with dark blue hair but a girl with blonde hair blocked her sight so she ignored it. After the ceremonies were over and the visitor's had left, (Y/N) and her father stayed behind a while and stood in a sad yet peaceful silence before going home with great hesitation from (Y/N).


(Y/N) was awakened by the sound of crashing windows. She sat up and rubbed her eyes. Holding her favourite stuffed toy ,that Ciel had gotten her during her 5th birthday, she got up and walked out of the room. It couldn't have been one of the servants, they're all asleep on the bottom floor. She opened her door and a gust of cold wind struck her. She opened her eyes and squinted from the wind and the darkness. An opened door further along the hall could be seen letting out cold air yet she didn't know what room it led to because of the dark. She hugged her toy closer to her chest and started towards it. As she got closer her eyes adjusted to the darkness and she confirmed that the door led to her fathers study. She reached it and peeped inside the room. The window in the room had been smashed which was why there was cold air gushing through the halls. Papers that were on her fathers desk were swirling around the room caught by the wind. One piece of paper caught (Y/N)'s eye as it was stuck onto the back of her fathers chair by one of (Y/N)'s flower stickers she gave to her father for his birthday. She doubted he would ever use them but she tried neither less. She walked over the chair and grasped the envelope before rushing out of the room and slamming the door shut. She opened the envelope

Dear (Y/N)
I know I haven't been the best and most supportive father. Yet you still treated me with respect and love. When it was decided that Ciel would marry Elizabeth me and your mother tried everything we could for them to change their minds, but to no avail. Ever since Alexis introduced me to his daughter, I could tell she was a spoiled brat girl. When you broke down in my office and shouted about your hate for her it broke me. I know its a bad time to do this and with no answers but, i'm leaving for a while. Someone should come to take care of you. His name is Jason. He will protect you with his life and you will put your trust in him now as your personal butler. By the time you have this letter he should be here soon. I don't have much time and I must go.

I love you very much my daughter


Salty tears had stained the letter as (Y/N) read it. She sat there for a few moments before the feeling of someone else caused her to look up. There was a man in a black waistcoat under neith it a white shirts and black tie. He also wore black formal pants and black shoes. He had black hair that covered one of his eyes and the eye that was visible was a deep blue. (Y/N) thought back to the letter 'Someone should come to take care of you. His name is Jason...' She stared at him before narrowing her eyes as she spoke. "J-Jason...?" He nodded as he held out a hand. 'You will put your trust in him now as your personal butler...' She liked the idea of a personal butler. She'd never had someone that followed her orders. All the servants in the house took orders from her father...and mother. Whenever (Y/N) did request something from the servants, they would go to either one of her parents to check permission. Most of the time they went to her father. She glared at Jason, the sense of power coming to her. "Clean up the glass on the floor. Fix the window as well while your at it!" She opened the door and pointed to the glass then the window as she spoke and he bowed on one knee to her.

"Yes, Princess"


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