Chapter 1

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I was wandering around the halls of Collège Françoise Dupont looking for my class. The school seemed so big to me since I've been homeschooled by my mom and dad for as long as I can remember. They said I was "too special" to be with other kids. Never being at a public school made me shyer than most people. The class bell had already rung 5 minutes ago and I knew that I'd be late. Then everyone would surely look at me when I walked into the class. Oh no, I don't want people to look at me! What if they make fun of me for getting lost!? This is officially the worst first day of school ever. I sighed and began to walk slowly As I looked at the ground I heard panic and a bunch of kids rushed towards me. I was pushed to the ground causing my (Favorite color) dress to get dirty from the school floor and my (hair color) to fly over my eyes. I just sat there in shock and clutched my sketchbook and pencils harder to my chest.

"Hey, my lady, are you ok?" I hear a male voice as my hair covering my eyes is pushed behind my ear. I saw a boy with messy blonde hair green eyes and a tight black suit, he had black cat ears and a belt tail on also. "What's your name? I've never seen you before." The cat boy asked me.

"Cat Noir?" I asked him confused that he'd talk to me. He was my favorite hero and I looked up to him.

"That would be me! And may I ask what your name is?" Cat Noir asked.

"O-oh, s-sorry." I blushed "Y-Y/N"

"Well nice to meet you Y/N but you should get out of here."

"Right, sorry." Cat holds his hand out to me and helps me up. "Thanks."

"My pleasure, my lady." He kisses my knuckles and runs off as I'm left in the middle of the hallway blushing and shocked. I look at my hand where he kissed me and smile. Remembering that I should get out of the school I go to leave but forgot which way I came from. And which way the exit door was. I sigh and once again start my slouched walking towards the hallway Cat Noir ran down. If I find him then maybe he can tell me how to get out of this maze of a school. While walking I run into a girl with a tight black suit with a purple glowing wifi sign on her chest, long white gloves and a black mask covering her eyes..


"Wh-who're you?!" I took a step back.

"I am Lady Wifi!" She said as she threw something at my feet that flung me back into a bathroom and closed the door. I whimpered because the bathroom was dark and I hit my leg on a sink top. I hit the wall trying to find the light switch to brighten the room and get out. Finding it I flipped it on only to be face to face with a blonde girl with light blue eyes. Her hair was in a pigtail and she looked like she had expensive clothes on.

"O-oh, hey. Sorry" I walked around her so I could open the door.

"It's locked you idiot." the girl said.

"Or maybe your just not strong enough." I mumbled under my breath and continued the try and open it.

"Are you deaf or something?! I told you it won't open!"

"No I'm not deaf but your definitely a bitch." I snapped back. Woah, where'd that come from!? I'm never like that, I thought.

"What did you just say to me!? My daddy is the maror of this town!" She screeched at me.

"Sorry your highness." I mocked a bow and then covered my mouth. What is wrong with me! The girl gasped and pushed me against the wall.

"Don't you ever talk to me like that again." She hissed in my ear as I swallowed. Fight or flight, fight or flight, fight or flight, I thought over and over again. Fight! I pushed her off of me and pinned her to the ground sitting on top of her hips and her hands pinned above her head.

"How about you don't ever try to fight me ever again, princess." I whispered as I got closer and closer to her face. The girl blushed as I slapped her cheek and it turned a bright red. Just then the door opened and Cat Noir and Ladybug were there. Cat got a huge nosebleed when he saw you on top of the girl. Ladybug smiled when she saw the girl and her red cheek knowing someone had stood up to her.

"Chloe? Y/N? What are you doing here?" Cat Noir asked and I blanked out forgetting that I told him my name.

"The weird girl locked us in here." I told him getting off Chloe as he helped me up and looked me up and down for what I figured was to make sure I had no bruises on me. "I'm fine." I smiled trying to reassure him. He just blushed knowing that I'd caught him.

"Sorry, my lady." He looked at the ground and I giggled.

"It's ok." I smiled at him as his ring beeped.

"Looks like you have to go Cat." Ladybug said and Chloe got up and stomped away because no one helped her.

"Looks that way." He sighed and pouted, I giggled at his actions and he ran off.

"I should probably get going too." Ladybug told me "Think you can get home?"

"Uhh...I really don't even know where I am in the school or how to get out..." I admitted.

"Oh, well I can show you the way out and then take you home if you need." She smiled at me.

"That'd be great! Thanks!"

"Where do you live?" Ladybug asked.

"Oh I live in the art studio by the tower!"


"Oh my gosh, I've always loved how that place looked! It's so pretty!" Ladybug fangirled over your house. That made you feel better and like you made a friend. Sure your friend is a superhero and will probably never remember you again but the thought made you happy.

"Thanks." I followed her down the hallway to the door leading out of the school and then to my house.

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