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How did she know life sucked? Simple: it did. Or at least that's what she thought as she walked home in the pouring rain. To say she was mad was an understatement; she was most definitely pissed. It was her brother's job to pick her up after school, and seeing as it was Friday, she damn well knew her brother was out with his friends, totally forgetting he had a sister.
"Fuck you, Jace," she mumbled to no one in particular.
She regretted not taking that ride from Joel. She regretted staying late after school. She regretted wearing a full face of makeup. In fact, she regretted every decision she had made since waking up. She was done at the moment. She knew the stuff in her backpack was most likely wet, seeing as she was soaked herself. The wind didn't help either, blowing her off balance every now and then. She wanted to break down; to stop and cry and tell off the world. But then again, she knew if she would she'd just be dramatic. So, as pissed as she was, she kept walking. That is, until the first lightning struck and the sound of thunder blared in her ears. Then she ran. Ran as fast as her legs could carry her, until she got tired. Her day had been especially bad. None of her two friends were at school. The boy that sat next to her in World Geography had made of her mom jeans once more. The mean, old lunch lady had not given her the baked potato she desperately wanted. And now this. She decided she was too tired to go any further, laying down on the open field beside the park she had just passed by, the rain hitting her closed eyed face. She laid for so long that darkness soon overpowered her body, sleep taking over.

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