SOFT - One

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From across the room I could see him clearly. On the edge of the set he was leaning against a hood of a car. Eyes glued to me and with a smile that made me uneasy. Usually I would be confident in my position as producer of music videos but it was hard when I felt watched like this. Almost all the other shoots I would be respected or ignored. Everyone would be so focused on their work. But not today... not on this shoot. I gather the little bravery I have and meet the gaze. His eyes are shining with curiosity and for a second the feeling is mutual. Anyone else would imidietly look away, embarrassed. Not this man. No he smirked and nodded his head up like saying hello. In disbelief I stare back at him and he chuckles lightly.

"PD'nim!" My assistant shouts and I'm snapped back to the conversation. In the corner of my eye I can see him leaving with one of the make up artists and I huff. Daniel is my rock, he helps me focus on the video rather then sprinting around the set to tell everyone where they need to be. "Yes Daniel" I say while trying to get the guy out of my head. "The field shoot has been pushed forward until tomorrow because of the wind" Daniel says while walking through the set. "What? Oh okay then I'll have to have the launge scene today, will you inform them" I say and fiddle around in the schedule on my iPad. "Is Member C, Minhyuk? ready for the box shoot?" I ask and Daniel looks distracted. "Sorry?" Then it's like a lightbulb go of in his head. "Yes! Yes... well he should be" we walk through the curtains. "There" Daniel says with great relief.

There are flowers and trees and to be honest the hole room looks like a bright coloured jungle. In the middle of the big room there are glass box, it's empty and clean. The thought behind it is what the song describes being stuck in this unhappiness without the girl while everyone around you is living happily. It's a breathtaking scenary that I'm happy with. That is until the member is missing. I turn to Daniel. "Where is he" I say annoyed and look around the room. To my bigger annoyance the guy is there smiling from ear to ear and I groan. Like if that was his que he starts walking towards me like if it was a runway. "He-" I cut off Daniel while grabbing his arm. "Oh no" I whisper and then starts franticly start looking around for something to do. Imidietly I sit down behind the big screen.

"PD... So that's who you are" someone says and slowly I turn around. It's him and first now I realize he's one of them. He's from the group! "Woah this is a rarity you know... we haven't had any female PD's" he says and I stare at him in shock. He's tall and looks to fit the part as an idol perfectly with the jawline and hair. What gets to me is the outfit. Plain slightly oversized white dressshirt with the first three buttons unbuttoned and black dresspants. Like my own personal nightmare. "Emma" I say and reach out my hand he looks at it and laughs. I thank my autopilot brain for assisting me.  "Lee Minhyuk" he says and bows. Lord help me. "Minhyuk'shi would you mind going into the box?" I say and his face falls slightly. Something else has gotten into his eyes. Determination. "So the camera is going to come from here, like this" I explain and show him my sketched picture of the scene. "Then I'm going to take a close up" I continue and he nods here and there.

After explaining we start shooting and I've got to give it to him he's good. I don't have to retake that many scenes and he seems to enjoy it. Half way through some of the members join the set but Daniel keeps them at bay. I block them out to the best of my ability. Sometimes shooting with a group can be like shooting with children. But this group is good. My soundcanceling headphones helps a lot as well. That is until someone taps my shoulder and that is the last drop for me. 

I turn around ready to snap someone's head when "HYUNSIK OPPA!" I shout in surprise and he smiles his trademark smile while embracing me. "Emmie!" He says while chuckling. His members looks like question marks while Minhyuk really got something dark in his eyes.I pretend like I've seen nothing. "O'o'oppa?" Changsub stutters and stares at me. "So this is your group?" I say while looking them over once more. Hyunsik had talked about his group many times but I had never really looked them up. We had hung out as friends not as co-workers so it hadn't felt necessary. 

"You really need to be more observant, someday one is gonna be upset" someone says and I turn around. "Ilhoon Oppa!!" Imidietly he starts laughing. "Bells roommate" Hyunsik states and the rest of the members relax. I slap Ilhoon's arm in which he glares at me. "What the hell! Why didn't you tell me yesterday?!" I say and he raise an eyebrow. "Like you would have remembered? Honestly I thought you figured when I said I had an MV shoot today" he says and shrugs his shoulders.

Behind Eunkwan Daniel is now standing looking uncomfortable. "Hyunsik, member D, would you come with me" I try my best to sound formal and as I usually would and Daniel gives me thumbs up. Instead of catching the hint Hyunsik flicks my shoulder as we walk to the new lokation. "Yah what's with the no Oppa and weird talk?" He says while smiling. I have to agree it's a bit uncomfortable. "This is my work Oppa, I've got an reputation to keep up you know, if this leaks that I know you personally and call you Oppa..." Hyunsik waves his hands in the air. "I get it... PD'nim" he adds while giving me a wink and I face palms. This is going to be a long day.

Slowly through out the day I get to know the other members. BTOB is very professional and hard working. Whenever they aren't on the set with me they are off set with a camera crew or practicing. I'm very thankful I did the first scene with Minhyuk in the morning so I don't have to think more about it now. Still he manages to sneak his way into the wrong set. Paniel is doing a great job with his solo shot but I can't concentrate enough as Minhyuk stands behind me. I raise my hand up and the shoot stops.

"I think that's it, Daniel would you mind finding their Manager for me" I say and Daniel disappears out of view. I pull my phone up as I walking through the set.

Hyunsik said you are at the shoot?
What does that even mean?
Emma be nice

I roll my eyes at the texts Bella has sent me. Stubbornly I send back "what could I possibly do wrong" and walk into the BTOB tent. "Thanks for today, you did great, tomorrow we will have a field shoot so get some rest" I say and they bow. Minhyuk doesn't let my eyes go. Just as I'm about to walk out he grabs my arm and I stare at him in shock. 

What on earth is it now I groan internally. "One more thing PD'nim" he says and everyone in the room stops what they are doing. "I'll drive you home" he looks so sure of himself that I nearly slap him. "That's... nice, but I'm actually carpoling with Ilhoon" I say and Ilhoon chokes on his water. "I don't even-" I grab on to his arm and plead with my best 'please get me out of this situation' eyes while whispering "I've got a car just roll with it".

"Lets see each other on Thursday then, I'll pick you up at eight" he says and disappears before I have any chance on declining. I'm left with the hole rooms eyes on me.My mind is going places it should while panicking. "I'm going to kill him I swear" I growl under my breath and Ilhoon pats my back "it could be worse... it could've been Jaebum" he says and starts running off set while I set off after him.

Did Lee Minhyuk just ask me out. Without letting me answer. All eyes I  the room is left on me and I just glare after him.

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