Dean was not really a fan of endearments and since he did not like it I did not call him any too.

"So I don't have to worry about your mom not liking me?", I reassure myself and Jason smiles.

"She already loves you!", he tells me gently and I smile at that.

"I'm glad. Dean's parents never took much interest in me and I wasn't even sure if they liked me.", I admit sheepishly and Jason kisses my forehead.

"Well my family members are already crazy about you."

I smile lovingly at him and bluntly ask: "You too?"

Jason grins and tells me: "Especially me!"

"My parents are going to love you as well and I already know that Matt's going to adore you!", I tell him and notice how hopeful he looks when he hears me saying this.

I honestly did not expect Jason to be so keen on having my family like him, but it makes me fall for him even harder.

My parents got along with Dean, but Matt did not really have a good relationship with Dean. Dean was rarely over and since he started competitive dancing he barely came over anymore.

"They're going to be really fond of you, especially Matt!", I tell him further and Jason whispers: "Really?"

I nod my head at him and say: "You're already on their good side, because you make me so happy."

"I do?", Jason wants to know hopefully and I whisper to him: "Incredible happy!"

With that being said Jason leans in again and his soft lips are on mine. I eagerly kiss him back and feel the butterflies in my stomach dancing. My heart begins to race and I cannot seem to get closer to Jason. I am already almost straddling him, but it is still not close enough. I moan into his mouth when he starts to touch my bare skin again. My breathing becomes laboured again and when I feel myself almost losing control I force myself to pull back.

Jason looks confused and worried at me and immediately wants to know: "Did I do something wrong?"

I shake my head in denial and kiss his lips again. God he is so addictive.

I pull back again, leaning my forehead against his and admit: "It's me. I'm .... overwhelmed with all these intense feelings for you!"

"Is that good or bad?", Jason wants to know and I notice how dark his eyes are.

I smile softly at him and say: "It's definitely good, I never felt like this before!"

Jason looks triumphant at me and asks: "Why did we stop then?"

I giggle at his satisfied expression and whisper shyly: "Because I don't want to rush this and if we continue I'm not sure I can stop!"

Jason's grip on me has tightened and he huskily responds: "God Hales, you've no idea what that means to me and I'm sorry that I rushed you! I didn't mean to let it go this far, but you're so god damn gorgeous and sexy that I couldn't hold back!"

His praise goes right to my heart and I kiss him once again, but very briefly.

"I'm glad that I affect you as much as you affect me!", I tell him and Jason responds: "You've no idea!"

Then he kisses me more slowly and even though I really appreciate his effort, his kisses, no matter which kind, are getting me worked up.

I giggle into our kiss and Jason looks amused at me.

"I'm sorry, this doesn't help. You're too good!"

Jason's ears start to get red and I teasingly say: "You like it when I tell you you're a good kisser, right?"

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