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I just want to say thank you for clicking my story, really appreciate it! >_< Please be aware that I am from the Philippines, so I'm sorry if I have any grammar mistakes. Tnx!

This story may contain offensive language (swearing), gore an a whole lot of violence. Which might I add is frightening to some Readers. Reader discretion is advised.

~ Readers's point of view~

"Gah!" Shiro, my 8 year old, little brother's voice resounded throughout the living room, tears streaming down his pale grey eyes as he received a hard blow on the face from our master making him fall down into the cold, white tiled floor. His right eye beginning to swell into a violet purple hue as he covered his face with his arms afraid to get another blow from our said master. My brother's form shaking violently, as fear abruptly consumed him.

"Stop that!" I shouted from the top of the stairs, running down the said stairs to protect my little brother, dropping the broom I was using in the process . "Don't you dare hurt my little brother!" I said as I kneeled down beside my brother and hugged him.

"Tch, who are you to talk! Huh Bitch!" My masters voice boomed loud throughout the mansion's living room. Gaining more attention from the other servants that worked here.

Not long after he then grabbed my (Hair length), (Hair color) hair and raised me up with it making me let go of Shiro. Pain and disgust ran throughout me, Pain : Because of him raising me up by my hair and Disgust : Because when he raised me up, I was at the eye level as him, and because of that I could smell the thick scent of alcohol coming out of his mouth.

He then let go of my hair which led to me falling in the ground, much like my little brother. Just as I thought the pain was all over his foot then introduced itself to my stomach and at that very moment tears then started to escape from my (Eye color) eyes. The Master the started Kicking me constantly, gasps of shock then resounded throughout the room from the other servants. "Stop that!" Shiro's voice resounded. "Stop hurting my sister!" He shouted.

"Shut up Brat! Don't forget your parents gave you little bitches to me! I own You! And I can do anything I want with you!" He shouted. Some of his saliva landing on my brother's face.

"S-shut the fuck up" I said slowly getting up from the floor. Struggling might I add, the pain was too much but I couldn't just lie down and listen when Shiro is getting yelled at. "Huh?! Did you say something brat?! Huh?! Are you tough now?! Speak up I couldn't quite hear you!!! ".

"I said SHUT. THE. FUCK. UP!!!!!" I yelled, my eyes burning with rage. My voice filled with unexplainable anger. The other servant's eyes were wide opened. Nobody has ever talked to the master like how I talked.

Just like the last time another kick landed into my stomach, but it was harder than the others making me cough up blood, staining the white tiles underneath me while the other servants just looked at me. He kept on kicking again and again and again, over and over until I coughed up blood about 6 times already. My vision getting blurrier and blurrier by the minute, my conscious fading more and more as my brother's pleading began to sound as if it where echoes. It was as if the world was spinning ever so slowly.

"Tch, I don't have time to waste on you two screw ups! Clean this shit up before 7:00 or you and your brother are gonna get another beating!" and with that he walked upstairs. Leaving me and my brother on the floor and the other servants dumbfounded and shocked. Not long after the other servants then scattered out to do there supposed jobs.

I then wiped the blood that was trailing from my mouth and slowly crawled to Shiro, knelled down and hugged him as he cried in my chest. Not long after I then cupped his cheek right cheek and wiped his tears away using my thumb.

I then sighed at the sight of the violet/purple hue surrounding Shiro's left eye. 'How could anyone hurt an 8 year old?" I thought

"It's okay now Shiro, It's gonna be alright. I'm here now" I cooed trying to calm him down a bit. "(Reader) is it true? What master said I mean" Shiro said his voice cracking and shaking here and there. My eyes then widened in shock, 'He now knows' I thought.

"*Sigh* Yeah, they did" I said. Tears then started to form on Shiro and mines eyes. Even though they left us I still loved them. My only question was that why? But that wasn't important right now, I have to comfort Shiro "But it's okay! I'm here, we don't need them! I'll protect you" I continued.

A small smile then danced on Shiro's lips as his eyes were then filled with hope. "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you (Reader), I'm so useless" Shiro then started to have tears well up in his eyes. "I'm Sorry!" He continued. "No, no! It's okay. You did your best! As long as your safe I'm happy. Okay?" He then slowly nods. His smile then came back to his lips and it was enough to make me smile as well.

I'll protect you little brother

I'll protect you Shiro.


Before you ask. NO
You are not Incest.

You just care for your little brother soo much since your parents left you and made you become slaves. And you didn't want to become like them so you cared for your brother more than yourself.

So yeah! Thnx for reading!
At least one vote! Then I'll make the new chapter. Thnx!

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