Awkward Mornings

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'THIS MEANS ADRIEN IS CHAT NOIR! I'VE HAD A CRUSH ON MY CRIME FIGHTING PARTNER, WHOM I'VE REJECTED MULTIPLE TIMES! I AM THE WORST HUMAN BEING IN THE WORLD! AND WHAT'S WORST IS THAT I KISSED ADRIEN!!! CAN MY LIFE GET ANY WORST!' A quick glance down is when she noticed she was still Adrien's pjs. Color returned to her cheeks but they were bright red. 'It's already worst!'

Luckily Plagg helped Marinette change just in time to get her down to breakfast. Even though Marinette's eyes were still closed throughout the endeavor, she always felt like dying after each article of clothing.

With a little guidance from Plagg, Marinette managed to make it to the dinning table. She's only been there once for a impromptu Christmas dinner, but that was so long ago that she didn't remember. Plagg told her to go sit at the head of the table by the windows, and she did so. Moments later a plate , with the smallest omelette that Marinette has ever seen, was placed in front of her. Marinette took a bite and she was surprised that it had none of that special attention and care that would usually be put into the omelettes her parents usually make. She never thought that she'd missed her parents' cooking so much. Marinette tried to be as proper as possible as she ate, while Nathalie came up and read off her schedule for the day.

"After school today you will go to your piano practices at 3:30. By 4:30 you'll have your fencing lessons. At 5:15 you have a photoshoot that will go until 8:00. Then you may use the rest of that time to do your homework and be in bed by 10:30." Without another word she left Marinette there, absolutely dumbfounded by the amount of stuff that Adrien has to do.

'Now I really wish I didn't know what his mornings are like. No wonder he always seems so miserable in the mornings having all that stuff piled on him.'

Once she had finished up eating, Adrien's bag was shoved into her hands and immediately was brought into the car driven by the Gorilla. Marinette did have to admit that it was nice being drove to school rather than running late all the time.

Once they arrived at the school she got out and kept an eye out for herself. It had occurred to her that she could text herself to see whoever was in her body. As she reached for Adrien's phone an arm reached out, making her tense up slightly. She turned to see who it was, and it was Nino. Even though it was someone she knew she was still a bit tensed because she didn't want to sound stupid or say something dumb as Adrien.

"O-oh hey Nino. What's... up?" 'Great job Mari, so casual.' Nino didn't seem to notice and talked on.

"Hey dude, you look like you woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Everything alright?" Marinette tried to not show her panic, but it was hard to do while trying to come up with an excuse.

"Yeah no I just... had a rough night. You know..." Nino seemed to have caught on to what she was applying, and nodded in agreement. Nino started to go talk about a new album that had 'just dropped' according to him, but unbeknownst to them a hurried Adrien came barreling down to the school. He let out a sigh of relief as he got to school early enough to try to find himself.

"Hey girl!" It was Alya who had waved at him, Adrien waved back trying to act natural. Alya walked over to him, while shoving her phone into his face. It was a video feed, taken by Alya, of Ladybug's and Chat Noir's battle against Gemini. Adrien blinked in confusion,

"What am I supposed to be looking at?" Alya shushed him and started pointing at the screen.

"Wait, just watch!" Adrien watched, cringing every time one of them got hurt, it was bad enough that they had to live through it, and it wasn't fun to rewatch. Although he was definitely curious to see what happened to them when they got hit with the eye blast.  

"Now, watch this." Adrien did so, with eager anticipation. When the eye blast hit them, not only did the two heroes disappear, so did the twins. Adrien focused in on the screen looking confused, however Alya had a mixture of giddiness and concerned. "Isn't that weird? Why do you suppose Gemini disappeared after hitting them with their attack?" Adrien just shrugged, usually Ladybug was the brains of the two... 'wait I am Ladybug.'

"I mean... I could be that he has to recharge before he could use it again?" Alya nodded in agreement.

"Yeah I think so too, "Concern started to be more apparent on Alya. "What do you think happened to Ladybug and Chat Noir? I mean, I don't want to assume the worst, but do you think they are ok?" Adrien was going to reply, but his attention was snagged away when he finally saw himself. He had to get over to himself.

"Uhh... yeah... I'm definitly sure they are fine. Will you excuse me for a moment, I need to talk to 'Adrien'." Luckily Adrien did not see Alya's jaw dropped expression on her face, as Adrien proceeded to walk over to Nino and himself. "Hey Nino, I'd like to talk with 'Adrien' for a second, kay thanks." He said, without waiting for a response and without warning, Adrien took himself by the wrist and dragged themselves to a deserted side of the school. Once Adrien was sure they were alone he began his questioning. "So who are you, really?"

"I am, Marinette..." She said hesitantly. However Adrien was super relieved, he was sure that Marinette was in his body, but there was still that ping of fear that it was someone else who learned his identity.

"Thank goodness, I am Adrien." Marinette tensed up a bit when he said his name. Adrien really didn't get how she could act that way around him, even when she was in his body. But he disregarded the thought, as their Kwamis joined them. Tikki rushed over to Marinette telling her how worried she is, and Plagg, well was being Plagg; only caring about his stomach. However, Adrien needed to speed this up before the bell for first period rang. "So do you have a plan my Lady?" Marinette's face got really red, with embarrassment and awkwardness.

"Did you r-r-really have to c-call me th-that?" 'Why am I stuttering in front of myself, well I guess it is still Adrien? Come on Mari get it together, just imagine he's Chat. Who just happens to the boy that I secretly love...Ohhhh this is gonna be a nightmare!' "I c-currentl-ly don't... have one..., b-but I'll try to come u-up with one..." Adrien nodded his head, ignoring how much she stuttered.

"Right, well, we should also try to act like each other until we can sort this out." He paused for a brief moment, and met Marinette's eyes. "I am sorry for whatever hell you are in afterschool." Marinette groaned in remembrance of her long and seemingly stressful schedule ahead of her.

"How do you do it?" Marinette asked without stuttering, sounding quite impressed. Adrien rubbed the back of his neck bashfully. Before he could reply, the bell began to ring, and students began to pile in.

"We should start heading inside, before they think we played hookie." Marinette nodded and gave an awkward chuckle.

"Y-yeah, who w-wouldn't want t-to p-p-play hookie, w-with you." Adrien raised an eyebrow and gave her a little smirk. Marinette's mouth closed into a line and her face was even redder than before. "I MEAN! Ugh, whatever you stupid cat. Let's just get to class." Marinette huffed and pouted her way to class. Adrien followed close by, wishing he could call her cute if she wasn't in his body.

As they were one of the last few to enter the class, they tried to enter as quietly as possible. It wouldn't be as bad if they didn't almost sat in the wrong seats. They drew a bit of attention as they corrected their mistakes, and finally sat down. Marinette placed her head on top of the cool desk, and Nino patted her back comfortably. Meanwhile, Adrien propped his arms up, holding his head up. Alya rubbed his arm gently and asked in a whisper,

"What is going on with you?" Adrien sighed and shook his head. He looked over at Alya and whispered back.

"I guess I'm just not myself today."

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