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Your January Horoscope by Susan Miller

Most evenings: January 1 - 6, 12, 14 - 15, 20, 23 - 24, 27 - 28

You've entered one of your best years ever, for Jupiter, your ruler and planet of good luck and happiness, will tour Sagittarius all through 2007. You will have real luck now! In the coming year, one change that you'll surely notice is that your thinking will broaden noticeably, and your confidence will rise in equal measure. This month you'll also have exceptional courage, thanks to Mars' tour of Sagittarius until January 16 (you had Mars on your side last month, too.)

You have a winning combination of aspects, so the sky is the limit! If you have a risky idea that you want to propose to someone in your personal or business life, do so in the first two weeks of January while planets are still clustered in Sagittarius, giving you special favor.

If you work in the communications field, you'll likely feel more interested in getting involved with innovative or entrepreneurial Internet, magazine, or book publishing projects. If broadcasting happens to be your field, the same would be true. If you have a reality show idea, or concept for a new book, now is the time to show it to the world. Many new people will now stream into your life, as well, and one or two of whom will act as catalysts to your future path. It's an exhilarating time, and you probably won't understand just how fertile this period is until much later, after the kudos begin coming in to you!

With Mars in Sagittarius too, a rare situation that will continue until January 16, you'll be filled with energy and ready to set new plans into motion. Filled with fire, drive, and passion for your ideas, you'll find it easier than ever to rally others to your cause. If you have a dream that you hope to get a VIP to approve, present it during the first half of January while you stand the best chance of success.

Now let's turn our discussion to money - this time the news is good! When you go outside today to get your morning newspaper at the neighborhood candy store, you might want to pick up a couple of lotto tickets too, dear Sagittarius. And if you do, be sure to ask Mom ahead of time to contribute a few of the numbers you'll use, because one of your parents seems to have a hand in your luck! (If your parents are not alive, ask a person you love and whom you think of as a parent.)

No doubt about it, you'll be as lucky as a Leprechaun in the first week of January, thanks to a glowing full moon, January 3, due to light your eighth house of prizes, and other sorts of funds that come under the umbrella of "other people's money." Usually any financial news that one would hear just after the holidays would not be exactly what you'd hope to hear (most of us just expect more dreary bills in the mailbox), but this year your case appears to be different.

This full moon will send a very friendly beam to Uranus, the planet of unexpected developments, linking your house of money to your house of home and family. Your money may come in the form of a generous gift, inheritance, loan (perhaps as a down payment on a house), or help with a mortgage that allows you to pursue a dream. The good part about all this is that the income appears to be completely unexpected. Keep watch during the whole first week of January for news about a check. All full moons have a plus or minus area of influence of four days.

Money may come from unusual sources. If you decide to clean out your closet this month, consider selling some of the things you no longer need on an Internet auction site like eBay. If you do so this month, it looks like you'd make a bundle. Schedule your sale either in January's first week or anytime between January 18 and 31 for best luck.

It's also possible that your windfall will come through sources that are not family or home related (although home and family-related sources do seem more likely). For example, you may win a contest or sweepstakes, or win big on a TV game show. A radio host may pluck your postcard from a huge bin winning you a trip to London. You may turn out to be the thousandth caller of the day, or you may correctly guess the answer to the mystery trivia question. Why, you will be so lucky with finances this month, I wouldn't be surprised if you said you found money crumpled up on the sidewalk in front of you.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2007 ⏰

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