358 17 6

(Y/N)=Your Name

(L/N)=Last Name


Bold=A/N (Author's Note)

Italic=Sarcasm, written speech (EX: Note, text, sign)

"Italic with quotations"=Thoughts



I'm heartbroken over the fact that the Magic Kaito crack videos have been removed/privated.



You stood at the end of a river stone walkway, its stepping stones dyed with a red-orange hue in the last light of the setting sun. 

You glanced down at your wristwatch to check the time: 7:26. With an inward sigh you began rhythmically tapping your foot against the concrete porch underneath you, a tap a second on time with the second hand of your watch.

Your best friend was finally returning home today, after an extended stay of seven months in Japan. As proud as you were, even you wouldn't be slow in admitting that the past seven months had been some of the loneliest you've endured since meeting your friend in early secondary school, and now you couldn't wait to have him back and in face to face teasing distance.

 A few impossibly long minutes passed before a cabbie pulled up on the opposite end of the walking path. A downward glance at your wristwatch again: 7:30.

You pursed your lips and raised your head just as the door swung open and revealed a tall blond around your age, eyes are.

He held a golden pocket watch in his left hand wherein he seemed to place all his focus and attention. His right rest loosely on the door to the cab he hadn't yet closed yet.

 You crossed your arms over your chest in an only slightly agitated fashion, "Right on time... again..." You managed to weave a sigh into the last word that left your moth.

At this the blond merely chuckled, now dragging his suitcase behind him by the handle, and stopped about four feet away from you.

"You'll have to let me reset your wristwatch in the near future, (Y/N). I'm afraid it's precisely eight-hundred-fifty-four point two milliseconds too early" he replied, a smug grin plastered onto his face.

You roll your eyes at him, "I'll never understand why you insist on being so precise when it comes to timing."

He gave a short chuckle before snapping his watch shut, "What can I say? My perfection is genetic." "Genetically obsessed, maybe." You corrected matter-of-factly.

Saguru clicked his tongue and shook his head at you. "Come, you know you love me~" There's that dreadful smirk of his again. You have to stop yourself from rolling your eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2020 ⏰

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