Ana Said Starve

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Feet together; thighs apart. The collar bones are where we start. Count the ribs and feel the hips. That's what makes us skinny bitch.

         As The Years Went By

As the years went by

She ate less and less

We asked her why

But she would deny

What everyone saw her doing

As the years went by

She weighed less and less

She told a lie

And with a sigh

She said she weighed too much

As the years went by

She spoke less and less

We gave her love

But like a dove

She flew away and left us alone

As the years went by

We worried less and less

She is ok

We'd smile and say

Until she cut too much

As the years went by

That skinny girl

Really became bones

We'd walk to her grave

And I would pray

That she hurt less and less

Ana Said StarveWhere stories live. Discover now