
15 0 0

Dance cynically, fellow stranger,

who he's called from nothing but

the words he has inscribed down within his wrist

in red ink and shallow incantation.

Dance over that blank wall from which

these empty eyes and body drained of life


Arm over the window sill, the blade smashes against the cement,

two stories down.

Deadly kindler of the fuming chimney

that puffs only pastel gray smoke and licks of crimson,

bandage the eggshell palette with

red before you drift it into Hell where

it shall shrivel in black.

Where the life that could have flourished

in incandescent light now creeps on its

paws and flickering tongue, spotting onyx

soot imprints behind it, smearing the footsteps with its

scaly tail--sparks of glass and salt burn the roof of its mouth.

It wails in pain and the chains binding its knees together tighten.

Kindler of Hell's fires, drag the beast to the chimney

and with your tar filled lungs,

send it up out of that wretched place

into the judgement of the sun's rays.

Shot with the fierce heat, the soot of the creature

bursts unto the body below.

Pale and cold is covered in lukewarm ash, and a colored eye

flashes open and wanders--catching sight of similar grotesque monsters of dense smog

and melting mouths filled with snake tongues.

He whose eyes searches

yelps as the ash of his self incrimination crawls

from his skin and forms beside its

brothers who stare down at him with dull sockets

that should hold eyes.

Beings of your blood are we.

Feast on your soul we shall with pleasure.

Clamping like skeletal lamprey to the hearts of those who love you.

Feed us with that revenue of your blood--allow the

kindler to afflict your troubles definitively with

each exhale of clambering flame. Let us end

your suffering. Say the hellions in hisses.

Words spoken into the minds of those who seek death beyond 

the pleads of those who live.

Those are the dictions of the stumbled dances of the

self-condemned. Explanations of those who play the song of

the kindler become nothing but one thing,


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2012 ⏰

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