Chapter 2

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"We still need to think of a name." Chinsei said gleefully as she cleaned up the lunch boxes. Her excitement is infectious as my smile grew.

"I suppose we do. Have any idea's?" I watched as she put the boxes in her bag and walked around the room with a thoughtful gaze, putting papers and books away. She always tends to do that when thinking deeply, like organizing and cleaning around here helps her gather her thoughts. It's an interesting process to watch really. She'll start at my desk and put everything that's built up on it away and then she'll straighten up the scrolls. The moment she get's to the bookshelf, she figures it out.

Her face broke into a smile as she reached the bookshelf. "Light."


Chinsei smiled at me. "Light." She came over and sat in my lap, me holding her close. "I want our child to shine in this world, make lots of friends and always be happy and healthy. He'll shine even in the darkest of times."

I was surprised for a moment, but then smiled and rested my hand on Chinsei's stomach, holding our son. "Light. It's a good name." Chinsei leaned down and closed the short distance between us, pressing her lips to mine. Never did I think I could have this beautiful woman all to myself. Esspecially after the 'issue' from last year when Onsenchi stole our song from her. She didn't want to come to me and depend on my help to get it back, so she agreed to date Kota Higurashi, a new singer, in exchange for the song back.

It was bad time. I was angry at her for choosing him over me. But I was even more angry with myself for not taking her as my own sooner. This woman has held my heart for a very long time. And now, we have our freedom to be together openly, to be in love and share our lives together with our growing family. And there is nothing more that I could ever want.

A knock at the door ended our kiss early and Chinsei stood as I called them in. It was only my messenger but he seemed disturbed. "Sir, We've just gotten a message. They're calling for the five kage to come to the summit. To discuss the problem of the akatsuki."

The five kage summit? Looks like they're taking this seriously now. "When?" I asked.

"Tomorrow. You are allowed to bring two guards and because of your age you are also allowed an advisor."

Two guards... no question I would take Temari and Kankuro with me. But an advisor... I looked to Chinsei from the corner of my eye. When things go wrong she knows how to step and take action, making her the best choice. But would she be okay traveling there with Light to think about? And what if there was an attack? I can't allow her to get hurt. But at the same time I know she will fight me to be able to go and stay near me. "Thank you, call on my brother and sister for me."

"Yes sir."

Once he was out of the room Chinsei turned to me. "You know what I'm going to say."

I sighed and leaned back in my chair. "I do. I don't know if I want you to go or not though."

"Why not?" Her face was a mask of hurt and confusion. "It's perfectly safe I would think, all five kage's being there with two guards each? That sounds like the safest place in the world."

"But if there were to be an attack I wouldn't want to risk you getting hurt. It's not just you. You have to think about Light."

She looked down. "I know that." But her determination began to show through as her fists clenched and she looked up with a face that would never give up. "But I also have a commitment, and that's to help you as best I can and give you advice that might lead you in the direction for your dream. You want peace in this world, right? I've always been pacifistic, I know how to help, and with you and Temari and Kankuro around I know that no matter what happens Light will be fine. In fact this might just be the  adventure he's been wanting. You know how he gets."

I did know. After an hour of sitting at my desk and helping me fill out paper work and make decisions on certain things, Chinsei has to get up and move because Light starts mercilessly kicking, making it impossible for her to ignore. Maybe going to the summit with me wouldn't be the worst idea in the world knowing the baby would be happy with her activity. For some reason I felt like I was going to regret this, but I finally nodded my consent.

Chinsei's face broke out in a large smile and she jumped on me, holding me tightly and taking me by surprise. "Thank you Gaara! Thank you!" Her excitement pushed any fear I had away as I smiled and held her. My Chinsei. Once again we had gone back to sitting together, me running my hand over her stomach. Tomorrow we would leave for the five kage summit and at the time I had complete confidence that Chinsei and Light would fine, safe. Had I have know what was to happen, I would have insisted that she stayed in the village under Baki's supervision.

Had I have known. 

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