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Additional, unneeded, unnecessary
That's how I feel

I feel like I don't play a part in the movie
I'm an extra
I'm just someone in the background
I'm just somebody in the crowd

I feel so ordinary
Like someone can replace me
And everything would be fine

I feel depressed
Like the world is constantly pushing me down,
Hoping I'll fall
Hoping I'll crash
Hoping I'll bleed
Hoping I'll give up

Why would people care if I died?
I haven't achieved much in my life
I haven't impacted anyone
I haven't made a difference

Life without me would just go on
Life without me would be normal
Because I'm just an extra

I feel lonely
No one who cares about me
No one who thinks about me
No one who gives a fuck about me
Because all I am is extra

I feel weak
Tired of all the voices
Exhausted of the assumptions
Done with all the pain they've caused

They all have their reasons to talk to me
They all try to take something from me
They take it
And leave me behind
Stripped of all happiness
Rid of all laughter
Because I don't need emotions
All I am is a fucking extra

I'm someone who would be ignored
Who would be teased
Who would be put down
All for entertainment
But they don't care about me
All I am is an extra

I'm the sidekick who works behind the scenes
I'm the side hoe who only gets fucked for fun
I'm the classmate who is only needed to get answers off of
I'm the extra

I can't cry
I can't scream
I can't yell
I can't react
If I do, I'll be accused of being extra
In a different way
Being extra dramatic
So I'll just stay as being an extra

I feel defeated
My heart is broken
After so many attempts to tape it back
The darkness closes in
The light fades away
The people still shun
I am still an extra

All I am
All I ever will be
A stranger in the crowd
A someone in the background
An underdog who never gets his reward
A replaceable somebody everyone forgets
A person who just simply couldn't shine

An extra
Hello my lovelies! That was 75 very short lines! This was something that I came up sitting in my bed in the dark. It's kinda...poorly written, no? This poem is pretty much an exaggeration of my feelings a few days ago. I hope you liked reading this poem! If  you did please vote. <3

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