Chibi Tsundere

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        It was a normal day, or so you had thought, as you walked around the vast garden of white roses Subaru had planted. As you took a slow stroll you began to wonder if it was alright for you to do so, since Subaru seemed like he pushed anyone away from the precious rose, something you already knew about, and it all dealt with his mother.
        It was 10 minutes later that you decided to head back in and take your shower, 'I wonder why Subaru didn't come, maybe he's too tired.'
        You were about to head into the bathroom when you felt something tug at your pants, looking down you saw a miniature Subaru looking at you with a worried and confused expression. You blinked what must've been 20 times before you bent down and grabbed the back collar of his school blazer, "S-Subaru, it that really you?!" You expected to heard a small squeaky voice, but rather you heard his regular deep voice at a lower volume, "Yes! Reiji must've put something in my drink cause I took a nap and when I awoke I was in this tiny body!" "You look sooooo cute Subaru!" "Quiet and help me return to normal." "I quite like this size of you, I can put you on my shoulder and no one would know you're there." You plopped him onto your shoulder and stood straight up, he grabbed onto a strand of your hair as he felt like being sick from the fast movement, "Would you slow down (y/n), you standing up might just kill me." "Oops sorry Suba-chan!" "Don't start calling me names!" "But it's so fitting!!!!" You slowly walked into your bedroom, making sure Subaru didn't get sick on the way, and sat on your bed and letting him jump into the palm of your hand. "Quit staring at me like that would you!" You looked at the little chibi in your hands wondering how it was possible to hold the once tall male into your small hands that night. "I can't help it, it just astounds me." You could have sworn you saw a light little blush on the white haired male but brushed it off as you set him on your pillow to hurry and take a shower before heading to sleep.
1 hour later
"Took you long enough!" "Be quiet Subaru, a girl's got to make sure she does her hair properly." You slipped under the blankets and left the little Subaru on your other pillow, the both of you falling asleep.
The next morning a full sized Subaru slept in your bed, but you didn't mind, he was cute in any form.
I just imagine a cute little Subaru walking around looking confused and sooooooo adorable, but I can't help it.
I just couldn't help not writing this
Until next time, Bye bye 8)

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