2K13 Young Love part 2

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I usually don't give out my number to people, specially not to someone who I just spoked over social network, but something was special about him, something that made me want to take a chance and give him my number.

Both of us have a lot in common eg: our favourite colour is blue, we enjoy doing the same subject, we picked graphic for our GCSE, we both like watching the same movies/cartoons, we have same hobbies and interest. And most importantly... We both are single.

We spoke casually until, I started to get this vibe he might be interested in me. I wouldn't have thought this if he didn't start to give out sings that he likes me.

Before that I though we both can be best buddies and I personally want to be best friends with him and prove to my friends that hell yeh a boy and a girl can be best friends!!! All my friends say its not possible. But guess they were right! Day after another my friendly feeling started to evolve into what some call it 'liking'. I really, really like him but wanted to keep my feelings aside, cos for a fact I know love changes friendship.

I didn't wanted to lose him he was one of the sweetest guy ever.x I tried my best to call him buddy and send him Spongebob and Patrick's hugging picture to indicate that I just want to be friends. I even put stone on my heart and managed to say "You want me to hook you up with my friend?" I felt so bad asking that but he answered me back "Nope that's not possible... I already like someone", I was happy that he didn't say okay to my offer, but there was a slight sadness, as he said he already likes someone else. Before my emotions got out of hand, I see him type... "and when she is comfortable, i'm going to ask her out, her name is Fiona, don't get jealous" As i went on reading this message, my heart started beating as i read on to find my name and damn wasn't I surprised, happy and yet worried!!! I was totally out of words!

Took me time putting my thoughts back in place. After a while I said "You do know I'm 10days older than you!" I wasn't sure if that's what I wanted to say to him after his previous message. He replied "I love you, not your age". Then went on saying "Beside, age don't matter to me, I like girls older than me" trying to sound funny. I didn't know what to say or what to do. My brain was now officially frozen in love. I had to do something.

My friends titled me as 'Fiona the love expert' but trust me I am no love expert when it comes to me and my love problems. I am no use.

So I had no other choice than to rushed off to my good friend Maria, for advise! She told me I should take a chance and give him a chance. Yet I was worried... worried that if I say yes I'll lose a good friend and if I say no I might break his heart, which would be same as loosing him. It would be hard for me to be friends with him... I'm confused... Snap! Speaks my subconscious! <I know we both will make a promise that if ever we break up or anything, we will always stay best friends> awesome idea! I like that. I thank my subconscious.

So on the 9th June 2013 Fred asked me out and right after that he told me something that touched me, "Before you make your mind up and tell me your answer I want you to know something... I smoke and I use to drink but after today I'll cut down on my smoking" My subconscious strikes in once again telling me <this guys is sweet, nice, cute, decent, honest and he is willing to cut down on smoking for me... he is it! He's the perfect lad I have been waiting for...> I then thought it's time for me to put my ideas to the table before I give him a answer. I messaged Fred telling him that we will always be best friends before couples, and even after breaking up we would remain best friends, assuring Fred was okay with it, and he was... So I said "Yes"!!! How could anyone say no to him! Obviously not me. Straight away I could see the joy and excitement in Fred's writing! Soon after his talking style changes slightly... From Fiona to baby girl, hun to princess... The style of his writing was getting very sweet, seductive and sexy!

I was liking it. In fact I was loving it. It was my first young love.

[If you liked it and want me to carry on please leave a comment or vote to encourage me, to carry on. Thank you]

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