2K13 Young Love part 1

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Fiona that's me. Different, classy, cheesy, fun-loving and yes of course sporty!

Living with one older sister and mom. Im 16 and studying in girls school. Boring yes I know. Im currently single and not planing on mingling until I find the right guy, so until I do I'm going to munch on Pringles and work out!

I like reading horoscope, cos 95% of the stuff written in it, is true... Well in my case it is. I love spending most of my time chatting with friends and socialising on Facebook. Who knows when i might meet someone special, that's why I always keep my heart open for everyone. Just hopping for the right guy to walk in.

<Who knew that special person I was dreaming to mingle with would be the very one who has sent me a random friend request on Facebook, a very long time ago!>

Fred Hooker's 16, (10days younger then me) goes to a boys school, oldest in his family, has one younger sister (who happens to go to the same school as me, one year younger then me) and three younger brothers. Fred is tall, has dark brown hair, fair skinned, wide shoulder, pink lips and bright blue eyes. I swear... I could fall in love in no time! I honestly need a map to find my way out of his dazzling eyes. Fred and I were just Facebook friends. I didn't know Fred excited until midnight 20th May 2013. Fred statued saying "inbox if anyone's alive". It was late night non of my friends were online so I decide to inbox him rather than dying over boredom. I popped up saying "heyy i'm alive".

Slowly and steadily we started talking to each other. We mostly talked about casual stuff, like exam, family, where about we live, what social network we mostly use etc. We both spoke to one another via Facebook until on the 3rd of June 2013 he maned up and asked me for my number.

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