Happiness cannot come before sadness

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"AHHH!" a piercing scream filled the hospital room. A woman named Elisabeth was in labor finally giving that last push which felt like 20 bones fracturing at the same time. Finally after which seemed like hours of excruciating pain, a baby's cry was heard that spread around the room. The nurses, after cutting the umbilical cord, washed the baby girl and wrapped her in a blood red blanket to match her eyes. They then handed the infant to the new mother who had tears of joy and pain in her piercing gray eyes.

"Congratulations ma'am, " one of the nurses said,  "What would you like to name her?"

The woman, overjoyed with her child, thought of a perfect one... a name that she had been pondering on for quite some time but at the moment she thought it was perfect.

"Celestia Phoenix Xavier" she stated liking the unique name. Something that told her that she was different and not just your average girl. Something that no other person can name their child because her name was so unique.

'Oh if only your father could see you' she thought, tears of sadness pooling in her eyes thinking of the memory of him leaving. She cradled the baby in the red blanket and hushed her to sleep. The infant yawned adorably before falling asleep, slowly then all at once. As the baby was peacefully sleeping  in her arms, Elisabeth let herself dwell on the painful memory.


*Knock Knock Knock*

*Door Opens*

 "I'm home!" a man's voice wafted through the small cabin in the forest.

She widened her eyes in surprise, usually he didn't get home until late at night.

"Lycan?" she called in shock for her husband, " Why are you home so early?"

" The pack just had a great hunt today and we left The Grove early" he said in his deep voice that she loved so much.

She walked to him with a pained, forced smile on her face because of the mixed emotions  going on in her mind and body.

You see she was pregnant with his child and he was the alpha of a popular pack named The Raging Infernos they have a strict rule on members and mortals being in a relationship or even being close to them. Having a child with one ,well is the number one ultimate  law that is punishable by death by fire which happens to be one of the reasons why that is their pack name.

Another reason why they are called the 'Raging Infernos' or 'Ragers' is because of their piercing red eyes and naturally light brown hair and black highlights. Other than that they also have a certain killing instinct when it comes to mortals and/or enemy wolves. Also they have an aggressive personality or they have a short temper.

"That's great honey" Elisabeth said as convincingly as she could even if her mind was telling her to cry her heart out over nothing.

Since Elisabeth is pregnant with his child, she was having one of those crazy hormone spasms.

The only reason they coped with her and Lycan being together is because he was the alpha and nobody really stands up to the alpha. She had to tell him tonight because their child was going to be born soon. You see Pups/Werewolf Children are born every blue moon and the next one was said to be on August 21, 2013 and it was February 10 and she just figured out she was pregnant with the baby 2 months ago.

She just didn't know how to tell him about it since they made the law. Oh and did I mention that if any of the pack have children that aren't full werewolf will be killed by fire. Which happens to be a reason why they are called 'Raging Inferno' or an uncontrollable, infuriated storm of fire.

"So how's you're sickness? Are you feeling better" he asked directing his red eyes of fire to her as if he was looking through her soul.

Yeah she was having morning sickness too.

"Um," She said nervously, " Fine, just fine. I think that I'm felling better"

Although the felt like someone punched her in the gut and she wanted to spill out her dinner in the toilet.

" Oh that's good, I was starting to get worried." He said as relief pass over his facial features.

" Honey, can I tell you something?"

"Anything, love."

"Please don't be mad."

"Why on Earth would I be mad?"

"I-I'm" Elisabeth stuttered, this was a lot more scary than she thought it would be.

"Pregnant" She finished.

There she laid it out on the table and felt 2 feelings at the same time; Relief and Fear.

"Wait. What?" He said shock seen clearly on his tan face.

"Pregnant." She repeated. Worry and curiosity crossing her face.

"What?!" He said in exasperation wile running his long slender fingers through his black brown locks. "No. This cannot happen. You have to get an abortion."

"What? No. I can't get an abortion! I want to keep it. No! I won't do it" She said in fury.

She half heartedly meant it because; 1. Her hormones were acting up, 2. She really wanted to have a child although she knew he would act like that.

"Elie, love, you know what will happen if they found out!" He shouted

" I know very well about that!" She screamed as salty tears of hurt pooled in her deep gray eyes.

" I don't care about that! This is our child! The sign of our love and you just want me to kill it! Are you crazy?" She still argued.

"The baby is going to be killed anyway,so why not just save the torture of watching it burn in flames!" He said angrily.

"We would protect it obviously! I cant believe you wouldn't think that I wouldn't protect my child" She shouted, tears now freefalling off her face.

"The pack will do anything to kill it! I know you want a child but you know the rules! It's still a miracle that we are still together and you" he said while pointing at me in the chest " are still alive."

"You know what? Just leave us alone. You and your stupid pack can go and leave us because you clearly don't want to make the effort to save our child." She said raging.

"Fine." He then opened the door and left their lives forever.

She then collapsed on the floor and began sobbing and mourning her lost of her true love, Lycan. She began shaking like a nervous wreck, wishing that his big, strong, lean arms were around her and not her own.

*Flashback Over*

She opened her gray eyes that shined with sadness and grief and realized that it was very late at night in the hospital room she was in and she saw Celestia sleeping blissfully at her side.

Subconscious tears were dried on her cheeks she found out whilst her replaying the memory. She quickly wiped off the ones that were rolling on her cheeks at the moment and stared at the beauty of life that was sleeping next to her.

'The price was worth the prize' she thought, 'a life for a life'

Lycan, her true love, left her, but then she gave birth to a beautiful baby. She finally decided that she should rest and she fell asleep to the sounds of wolves howling at the celebration of the new werewolf child.

The saying Happiness cannot come before sadness is true because you cant have a rainbow without rain or you cant have a good without the bad.

A/N So how do you think I did? sorry if its not good :( anyway if you happened to like it please vote and constructive criticism is greatly appreciated. Thanks <3 :)


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