Chapter 7

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Jasmine Bloom's POV

I was so nervous for my date tonight because this would be the first time I am ever going out with someone like him, I kept biting my nails but stopped when the door bell rung. I straightened myself and dusted imaginary dust off my outfit. Standing up, I approached the door and opened the door, and was greeted by Mikoto Suoh, he smiled and held out a bunch of flowers before I blushed. He stated, " I had something to do but I pushed it till tomorrow...for you." At that sentence, I blushed even harder before I reached for the flowers and set it aside.

I bowed," The flowers are beautiful, arigato." He nervously laughed and held out a hand.

" Ready to go?" Flowers magically appeared behind him and I frowned, why do I have this bad feeling?

I shook my head and beamed," Of course I am."


Me and Mikoto walked side by side in silence, I sighed," Why did I agree to go on this date? It is so awkward and we won't even talk, let alone glance at each other. The silence between us is so overwhelming, please someone save me from this da-"

I yelped as I tripped over a stupid dent in the floor, I felt the floor closing in on me and prepared for the hit but two seconds later, nothing. I dared myself to open my eyes and found myself being held by Mikoto, our positions were like as if he was doing a dip with me. I glanced everywhere but him while my face flushed with overwhelming heat and redness. Why is this always happening to me when I am around him? He chuckled and patted my head," You should really watch where you step on, princess."

My mouth dropped open as I stared at his retreating back before I caught up to him with my short legs. I am five foot three and he's like six feet tall or seven. I feel like a dwarf compared to him. Who am I kidding? I will never be good enough for any guy with my height, I felt gloomy all of a sudden and twisted the charm around my bracelet. I miss Mom and Dad, I really want to go home but.....

I glanced at Mikoto from the corner of my eye and he caught me staring before I quickly looked down again. But it feels like I never want to leave this place. Because of some certain people.

Mikoto suddenly stopped and he looked around, I frowned," Is something wrong, Mikoto?" He looked down at me and nodded, his eyes went all serious mode and his lips pressed into a thin line. He scanned the entire area but didn't notice the guy crawling up from behind him. I did though so I grabbed the guy's arm and twisted it before flipping him over and punching him twice to knock him out. I casually let out a sigh of relief and smiled at Mikoto who looked at me, shocked before staring down at the man laying on the floor.

" How did you do that? " He asked with shock still evident in his eyes.

" Well I am a black belt in karate and I have done self defense courses before so this wasn't any big deal. There are many thugs in America, like you wouldn't believe it. They show up anywhere, on the streets, on a motorcycle, sometimes even when the sun is rising. It's like a never ending story of crime!" I yelled out the last sentence and blushed," Sorry, I despise thugs, that's all."

" Why?" I barely registered what he said until I looked up and he repeated," Why?"

I smiled weakly," A thug killed me my older brother when he was trying to protect me. We were in the park when that happened and well, the thug didn't get away neither did my brother's inevitable death." Mikoto smiled softly but it was a sad and pity smile. I shrugged it away, his smile makes me want to hug him and do all that couple thing with him but I can't and I won't because he is my weak spot now.

What he did next surprised me because he wrapped his arms around me and gently let his hand slide up and down my back. I purred in content, surprised I even did it and could purr before I blushed, " W-What a-are y-you d-doing?"

Mikoto replied by putting his chin on my head, "I am comforting you, isn't this what guys should do when the woman feels sad?"

I chuckled and nodded, " Yes, this is what other guys would do but not you so can you please be yourself. You're kind of scaring me."

He moved back and his smile disappeared before he grunted, I grinned, " Much better." I started walking and when I looked back, he was smiling gently at me. " Are you coming or what?" He grunted again and walked after me.


Me and Mikoto reached my house and he was in awe of the house or should I say, mansion. " Do you actually live here?" I nodded, this mansion is one of the houses that my uncle own, it is a Victorian Mansion with white paint, it's beautiful and it has a mini garden out front. I smiled at Mikoto.

" This mansion belongs to Uncle and he gave me the house because he doesn't want me spending money on apartments etc." I simply spoke. Mikoto nodded and I walked into the house but paused and looked back.

" Do you want to come inside?"

Mikoto shook his head, " I have some things to do but next time. " He winked, " Although I do have a surprise for you right now, do you want it?"

I blushed and shrugged," Sure." He walked forward to me like a predator and stopped few inches before me, then he lifted his left hand and rested it upon my face.

He whispered, " Your face is scorching hot." I made a 'mmhmm' and he smiled softly before he leaned in, my breath hitched and he slowly came in close before his lips brushed mine softly, his breath fanned my face and it smelt like cigarettes and mint but it didn't matter. I dared myself to lean in and close the distance and I did. One second later, we are kissing each other and I swear I could hear fireworks exploding and feel butterflies fluttering in my stomach. His tongue licked my lips for entrance and I gave him entrance for his tongue to explore my mouth. I tugged on his hair and his arms tightened around my waist. He moaned when I bit down his bottom lip gently and finally our breaths were running short so I pulled away and he smiled, " You are one heck of a kisser, have I mentioned that?"

I smiled, " No, I don't think so." I leaned in for him to give me another peck before he pulled away and walked away. I watched as his back disappeared when he turned a corner and I was left, touching my lips in wonder.

This was an amazing date!

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