Neko Kuroko Tetsuya (Kuroko no Basuke)

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A sun ray slipped through the window curtain and shine someone's face. The person flinch at the heat and slowly opened his eyes. He tried to adjust the light and started moving out of the bed.

Today is the day when Kaijo, Kise's school, came to Seirin for another practise match. He started moving to the bedroom, and washes his face and body.

When he was just about to brush his teeth, he saw someone in the mirror with a blue cat ears. Shrugging, he thought that he was just seeing things until when he notices that the thing(?) in the mirror is following his every movement.

And then it hit him. The only one who is in his room.. scratch that, in this house, is only him.. A ghost? No, he doesn't believe in any, although people think he himself is one.

Then he touch his hair and felt something.... Then out of character, he scream.

Yes, Kuroko Tetsuya shows an emotion other than his deadpanned face.

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